
    1. http://avenueoflight.xanga.com/?uni9571575-direction=n&uni9571575-nextdate=5%2f10%2f2007+17%3a27%3a44.767#module-9571575
    1. http://avenueoflight.xanga.com/?uni9571575-direction=n&uni9571575-nextdate=4%2f8%2f2007+9%3a18%3a59.000#module-9571575
    Charles Spurgeon
    Roman Catholicism


    "Cursed be the man before the Lord, that riseth up and buildeth this city Jericho." Joshua 6:26
    "Since he was cursed who rebuilt Jericho, much more the man who labours to restore Popery among us. In our fathers' days the gigantic walls of Popery fell by the power of their faith, the perseverance of their efforts, and the blast of their gospel trumpets; and now there are some who would rebuild that accursed system upon its old foundations. O Lord, be please to thwart their unrighteous endeavours, and pull down every stone which they build. It should be a serious business with us to be thoroughly purged of every error which may have a tendency to foster the spirit of Popery, and when we have made a clean sweep at home we should seek in every way to oppose its all too rapid spread abroad in the church and in the world. This last can be done in secret by fervent prayer, and in public by decided testimony. We must warn with judicious boldness those who are inclined towards the errors of Rome; we must instruct the young in gospel truth, and tell them of the black doings of Popery in the olden times. We must aid in spreading the light more thoroughly through the land, for priests, like owls, hate daylight. Are we doing all we can for Jesus and the gospel? If not, our negligence plays into the hands of priestcraft. What are we doing to spread the Bible, which is the Pope's bane and poison? Are we casting abroad good, sound gospel writings? Luther once said, 'The devil hates goose quills,' and doubtless, he has good reason, for ready writers, by the Holy Spirit's blessing, have done his kingdom much damage. If the thousands who will read this short word this night will do all they can to hinder the rebuilding of his accursed Jericho, the Lord's glory shall speed among the sons of men. Reader, what can you do? What will you do?"  From "Evening By Evening" by Charles Spurgeon
    Uhrichsville, Barbour and Company, 1991

    During the Reformation you had men like Martin Luther, John Knox, Calvin, a great number of them, and then the great preachers like Moody, Finney, Spurgeon and so on, they all believed the same thing, that the Vatican was the whore. It wasn't until lately that things have changed.

          You see, the Jesuits influenced people and they started setting up smokescreens during our times, through our theological seminaries, and when that smokescreen came up we started seeing the "Whore of Revelation" in a different light. They said, "Oh, no, this is something coming in the future." Or, "That happened 'way back in the past.'" This is done to confuse the Christians. Today, many people believe this. They have been beguiled like I was when I first listened to some of these people. It was a clever smokescreen. I was confused at first, but now I see the whore in her fullness, and it is scary. http://www.chick.com/reading/books/153/153_01.asp

    All churches  are coming together in unity!

    The move toward the global church is called the "ecumenical movement." Spearheaded by the Roman Catholic Church, it is designed to bring all churches under the influence of the pope. Since the idea of love and unity is very appealing, many Christians have welcomed the idea, without thinking it through. How can an evangelical Christian, saved by faith alone, be in unity with a Roman Catholic who believes in salvation by good works and fully indoctrinated in S U N  Worship? The result is always a watering down of the simple, pure gospel.


    by Jack T. Chick 

     © 1983 Jack T. Chick
    Reproduced by Permission



    1. The Wafer God
    2. The Hand of Rome
    3. A 20th Century Inquisition
    4. The Whore of Revelation
    5. Another Gospel
    6. Cover Up
    7. Show Biz
    8. The Fallen Idol
    9. Betrayed?
    10. The Richest Man on Earth?
    11. Blueprint for Catholic America

    The Secret History of the Jesuits



     -  The Secret History of the Jesuits - by Edmond Paris        Click the underline to read.




    Secrets the Jesuits don't want Christians to know

    Out of Europe, a voice is heard from the secular world that documents historically the same information told by ex-priests. The author exposes the Vatican's involvement in world politics, intrigues, and the fomenting of wars throughout history. It appears, beyond any doubt, that the Roman Catholic institution is not a Christian church and never was. The poor Roman Catholic people have been betrayed by her and are facing spiritual disaster. Paris shows that Rome is responsible for the two great world wars.

    Author Edmond Paris explains why he wrote this book...

    "The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the start of the two world wars -- a situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, giving them power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict."

    "In fact, the part they took in those tragic events has hardly been mentioned until the present time, except by apologists eager to disguise it. It is with the aim of rectifying this and establishing the true facts that we present in this and other books the political activity of the Vatican during the contemporary -- activity which mutually concerns the Jesuits."

    "This study is based on irrefutable archive documents, publications from well-known political personalities, diplomats, ambassadors and eminent writers, most of whom are Catholics, even attested by the imprimatur."

    Table of Contents

    Part 1 - The Founding of the Jesuit Order
        Chapter 1: Ignatius of Loyola
        Chapter 2: The Spiritual Exercises
        Chapter 3: The Founding of the Company
        Chapter 4: The Spirit of the Order
        Chapter 5: The Privileges of the Company

    Part 2 - The Jesuits in Europe during the 16th and 17th Centuries
        Chapter 1: Italy, Portugal, Spain
        Chapter 2: Germany
        Chapter 3: Switzerland
        Chapter 4: Poland and Russia
        Chapter 5: Sweden and England
        Chapter 6: France

    Part 3 - Foreign Missions
        Chapter 1: India, Japan, China
        Chapter 2: The Americas: The Jesuit State of Paraguay

    Part 4 - The Jesuits in the European Society
        Chapter 1: The teaching of the Jesuits
        Chapter 2: The morals of the Jesuits
        Chapter 3: The Eclipse of the Company
        Chapter 4: Rebirth of the Society of Jesus during the 19th Century
        Chapter 5: The Second Empire and the Falloux Law - The War of 1870
        Chapter 6: The Jesuits in Rome - The Syllabus
        Chapter 7: The Jesuits in France from 1870 to 1885
        Chapter 8: The Jesuits and General Boulander
                           The Jesuits and the Dreyfus Affair
        Chapter 9: The Years before the War - 1900-1914

    Part 5 - The Infernal Cycle
        Chapter 1: The First World War
        Chapter 2: Preparations for the Second World War
        Chapter 3: German Aggression and the Jesuits.
                           Austria - Poland - Czechoslovakia - Yugoslavia
        Chapter 4: The Jesuit movement in France before and during the
                           1939-1945 War
        Chapter 5: The Gestapo and the Society of Jesus
        Chapter 6: The Death Camps and the Anti-Semitic Crusade
        Chapter 7: The Jesuits and the Colleqium Russieum
        Chapter 8: Pope John XXIII removes the mask.


    The Jesuits had secretly prepared World War II, and Hitler's war machine was built and financed by the Vatican to conquer the world for Roman Catholicism, Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco were to be the defenders of the faith. They were set up to win and conquer the world, and set up a millennium for the pope. Behind the scenes, the Jesuits controlled the Gestapo. All this is fully documented in THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE JESUITS, published by Chick Publications.

          Read what the press of the Spanish dictator, Franco, published on the 3rd of May, 1945, the day of Hitler's death. It said, "Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Church, died while defending Christianity." It goes on to say, "Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the martyr, God gives Hitler the laurels of Victory."

          Hitler himself stated, "I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits. Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party."

          Walter Schellenberg, former chief of Nazi counter-espionage made this statement: "The S.S. organization had been constituted by Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. Their regulations and the Spiritual Exercises prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to copy exactly. Himmler's title as supreme chief of the S.S. was to be the equivalent of the Jesuits' 'General' and the whole structure was a close imitation of the Catholic Church's hierarchical order."

          Franz von Papen, another powerful Nazi, who was instrumental in setting up the concordat between Germany and the Vatican had this to say: "The Third Reich is the first world power which not only acknowledges but also puts into practice the high principles of the papacy." If you are not aware of what a concordat is, a concordat is an agreement between the Vatican and a government. As far as the Vatican is concerned, that government that signed the concordat has now become a part of the government of God, and the Vatican fully intends to stabilize that government, give it divine protection, and give it international protection.

    Like Italy, Germany signed a concordat with the Vatican in Rome, 1933.
    The Godfathers, by Chick Publications, pg. 20
    Signing the concordat is Cardinal Pacelli (later to become Pope Pius XII). By 1933 he was the Vatican Secretary of State. Second from left is Franz von Papen, a sinister Nazi and devout Roman Catholic who was Hitler's ace diplomat and the Vatican's agent in helping to bring Hitler to power.
    Standing at the far right can be seen the little-known Vatican prelate, Montini, later to become Pope Paul VI.

    Hitler with Reich Bishop Muller and Abbot Schachleiter
        "The Nazi Persecution of the Churches" by J.S. Conway, Pgs. 25, 26 & 162.
    Hitler with Reich Bishop Muller and Abbot Schachleiter, surrounded by party bosses; September 1934.


    "I am personally convinced of the great power and deep significance of Christianity, and I won't allow any other religion to be promoted. That is why I have turned away from Ludendorff and that is why I reject that book by Rosenberg. It was written by a Protestant. It is not a Party book. It was not written by him as a Party man. The Protestants can be left to argue with him ... As a Catholic I never feel comfortable in the Evangelical Church or its structures. That is why I will have great difficulty if I try to regulate affairs of the Protestant churches. The evangelical people or the Protestants will in any case reject me. But you can be sure: I will protect the rights and freedoms of the churches and not let them be touched, so that you need have no fears about the future of the Church."

    Hitler was also ready to discuss with the Bishop his views on the Jewish question: "As for the Jews, I am just carrying on with the same policy which the Catholic church has adopted for fifteen hundred years, when it has regarded the Jews as dangerous and pushed them into ghettos etc., because it knew what the Jews were like. I don't put race above religion, but I do see the danger in the representatives of this race for Church and State, and perhaps I am doing Christianity a great service."

    "The Nazi Persecution of the Churches" by J.S. Conway, Pgs. 25, 26 & 162.

          The three big defenders of the Roman Catholic faith were Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco. All three had concordats with the Vatican. When the Nazi war machine swept through the Balkans on the way to attack Russia, Yugoslavia had become a Nazi occupied country.

    Hitler Mussolini  Franco
    Bison Picture Library & Our Sunday Visitor, March 29, 1981

          The pope despised the Russian Orthodox members. They were called Serbians and they were marked for death in Yugoslavia. They were given one choice: to convert to Catholicism, or die.

          Why were they killed? Why did the pope have such a vendetta against the Russian Orthodox? As we said in our Crusaders book, THE GODFATHERS, the communist party was created by the Vatican to destroy one of her greatest enemies, the Russian Orthodox church. The communists had double-crossed the pope and refused to destroy the Russian Orthodox church members and at last, Pope Pius XII had created a machine to do what the communists had failed to do - butcher every Orthodox church member and their clergy. Let's see how this was accomplished.

    Stane Kukavica, a Franciscan monk, also seen in the uniform of the Ustashi.

          The Catholic priests changed their robes for the uniforms of the dreaded Ustachi killer squads, and led the most barbaric, brutal raids upon those people and practiced satanic torture never before known in this century. We are not talking 800 years ago. We are talking 1940.

    Do you believe this monster is simply a backslidden or apostate church like many of our Christian leaders tell us, or is she the whore of Revelation? Let's look at scripture and check it out for ourselves. We find in chapter 17 of the Book of Revelation the Bible says, "I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:" And, of course, in scripture the reference to many waters means multitudes of people. Today the Vatican boasts almost one billion followers. What's that, almost a quarter of the earth's population?

          And it says, "With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication." If you look back in history you will see that almost every king has had political, economic or religious ties with the Vatican, starting with Constantine the Great, who was actually the first pope, and presided over the first council. Constantine was never saved. (That was another smokescreen.) Most nations today have diplomatic representatives in the Vatican.

          "And the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication." We have just looked at the madness of World War II and how it was set up by the Jesuits. And the Bible goes on to say, "The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet." These are the official colors of the Vatican. "And decked with gold and precious stones and pearls." Did you know the Vatican is the wealthiest organization on the face of the earth? Later in the book I'll go into this in more detail. The Bible goes on to say, "And on her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT." Where did Catholicism come from? If you do a little research you'll find it came from the ancient Babylonian mysteries, and you can trace it right back to Nimrod and Semiramis. Only the names were changed to make it look like a Christian organization.

    "The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the earth." Can I name a few abominations that came from Rome? We have the Nazi Party, which was staffed with Jesuits and high ranking Catholics. And then we have the communist party, another offshoot, or branch of the mother of harlots.

    Listen to these names: Marx, Engels, Stalin, Lenin, Fidel Castro. All were trained and guided by Jesuits. We are publishing two new books that go into detail on this. So these are her babies. Just a few of them, not to mention some of the spirit cults like voodoo. In the voodoo creed they state that, along with their religion of demon possession, they believe in "the holy Roman Catholic church."

          The Bible goes on to say, "And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints." The Roman Catholic Institution tortured, maimed and murdered 68 million people during the Spanish Inquisition alone, and many of these were Bible-believing Christians.

    Who would you say the whore of Revelation is? Is it something that will come in the future, or are we stuck with it right now? Beloved, it is obvious the whore of Revelation is the Roman Catholic Institution, and God hates it! He wants His people to come out of it so that His love can be manifested. God says, "If you love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15)

          At the end of the Dark Ages, when the popes ruthlessly controlled Europe, God raised up Christian men and women who knew the Bible and loudly proclaimed that the deadly Roman Catholic Institution was the whore of Revelation. http://www.chick.com/reading/books/153/153_04.asp


    Hostage to The Devil - The Possession and Exorcism of  Five Contemporary Americans - by Malachi Martin



     The Broken Cross - The Hidden Hand in the Vatican - by Piers Compton



      The Vatican Billions - Two Thousand Years of Wealth Accumulation from Caesar to

    the Space Age - by Avro Manhattan




      The Vatican Mafia - by Monseñor Dr. Rafael Rodriguez Guillen



    Jesuits began arriving in ameriKa

    as early as the second group of Pilgrims (1633) .This according to one of their own.   





    Secret Instructions of the Jesuits - Revealed


    The Secret Instructions were first discovered during the 30 Years' War when the Duke of Brunswick plundered the Jesuit's college at Paderborn in Westphalia and made a present of their library to the Capuchins of the same town. Soon after reprints and translations appeared all over Europe.

    The text of the Secret Instructions of the Society of Jesus reproduced here was found beneath the pallet on an adobe bed in a cottage in the Andes Mountains of Peru about a century ago. Students of the Incas recall that prior to the expedition of the National Geographic Magazine under Hiram Bingham, in 1911, archeologists from European countries probed the ruins of this people, one of the greatest civilizations in history.

    In 1870 a French archeologist slipped unobtrusively into the office of the Secretary of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in San Francisco, California. He had been sent into the remote recesses of the Andes, where Pizarro and his army had conquered the Incas more than three centuries before. He had rented a room in a tiny village. This he used as a base of his operations. To this spot he returned periodically to rest from the dangerously high altitudes and to write his reports for shipment back to France. While he was away, the family frequently rented the same room to overnight guests. One of these happened to be a Jesuit official. On his departure he forgot a little book which he had hidden under the mattress. The French archeologist accidentally found it. It was the Secret Instructions of the Society of Jesus—the top classified manual of procedure for the trusted leaders of the Jesuit Order. It was in Latin and bore the seal, signature and attestation of the General and Secretary of the Order in Rome.

    For the next few days the Frenchman labored furiously translating the work in stenographic notes into French. He then replaced the book and left. The Jesuit returned in a few days inquiring nervously about his little black packet. He also wanted to know if anyone had occupied the room since his departure. On learning of the archeologist he began a search so relentless that the Frenchman had to leave Peru. He finally reached San Francisco and entrusted his precious but dangerous burden to Edwin A. Sherman, the Secretary of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in California. Mr. Sherman included the Secret Instructions in his book The Engineer Corps of Hell published in 1882. For several years Edwin Sherman was the Masonic Historian of California. He was highly esteemed for his great accuracy and dependability.




    Chapter 1


    Chapter 2


    Chapter 3


    Chapter 4


    Chapter 5


    Chapter 6


    Chapter 7


    Chapter 8


    Chapter 9


    Chapter 10


    Chapter 11


    Chapter 12


    Chapter 13


    Chapter 14




    Chapter 16


    Chapter 17


     Back to The Jesuits







          "Fifty Years in the Church of Rome"

    by Charles Chiniquy





    History of the Jesuits

    Excerpted from the massive 2 vol.

    History of Protestantism


    by Dr. J. A. Wylie LL.D.

    from Reformation Website

    Dr. Wylie's massive History was published in 1878. The Jesuits did not self -destruct with the fall of the Papal States in 1870. As a matter of fact, that momentous event spurred them on to greater effort. The highest ranking Jesuit priest ever to escape that system and come to Christ was Dr. Alberto Rivera. He was a Bishop under the Extreme Oath of Induction. Normally, a person of such high rank who wants out knows too much, and always leaves feet first!! God miraculously spared his life for 30 years. He finally succumbed to Jesuit poison in June, 1997. Dr. Rivera authenticates everything that Dr. Wylie says in his book and the half has not been told!!

    During the Second Vatican Council, Dr. Rivera was taken deep beneath the Vatican to the Secret Archives, where all the history of the world for the past 2000 years is stored. He was ordered to study the methods of infiltration and extermination used by Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, Dominic, Torquemada, and Loyola etc., in preparation for the Last Great Inquisition!! Dr. Rivera read many top secret documents that linked the Vatican to the creation of Islam and Communism etc.,etc.


    Chapter 1

    Rome’s New Army—Ignatius Loyola—His Birth—His Wars—He is Wounded—Betakes him to the Legends of the Saints—His Fanaticism Kindled—The Knight-Errant of Mary—The Cave at Manressa—His Mortifications—Comparison between Luther and Ignatius Loyola—An Awakening of the Conscience in both—Luther turns to the Bible, Loyola to Visions—His Revelations.

    Chapter 2

    Vision of Two Camps—Ignatius Visits Jerusalem—Forbidden to Proselytise—Returns to Spain—Resolves to make Christendom his Field—Puts himself to School—Repairs to Paris—His Two Companions—Peter Fabre—Francis Xavier—Loyola subjects them to a Severe Regimen—They become his Disciples—Loyola’s First Nine Followers—Their Vow in the Church of Montmartre—The Book of Spiritual Exercises—Its Course of Discipline—Four Weeks of Meditation—Topic of each Week—The Spiritual Exercises and the Holy Spirit—Visits Venice—Repairs to Rome—Draft of Rules—Bull Constituting the Society.

    Chapter 3

    Loyola’s Vast Schemes—A General for the Army—Loyola Elected—"Constitutions"—Made Known to only a Select Few—Powers of the General—An Autocrat—He only can make Laws—Appoints all Officers, etc.—Organization—Six Grand Divisions—Thirty-seven Provinces—Houses, Colleges, Missions, etc.—Reports to the General—His Eye Surveys the World—Organization—Preparatory Ordeal—Four Classes—Novitiates—Second Novitiate—Its Rigorous Training—The Indifferents—The Scholars—The Coadjutors—The Professed—Their Oath—Their Obedience.

    Chapter 4

    The Jesuit cut off from Country—from Family—from Property—from the Pope even—The End Sanctifies the Means—The First Great Commandment and Jesuit Morality—When may a Man Love God?— Second Great Commandment—Doctrine of Probabilism—The Jesuit Casuists—Pascal—The Direction of the Intention—Illustrative Cases furnished by Jesuit Doctors—Marvellous Virtue of the Doctrine—A Pious Assassination!

    Chapter 5

    The Maxims of the Jesuits on Regecide—M. de la Chalotais’ Report to the Parliament of Bretagne—Effects of Jesuit Doctrine as shown in History—Doctrine of Mental Equivocation—The Art of Swearing Falsely without Sin—The Seventh Commandment—Jesuit Doctrine on Blasphemy—Murder—Lying—Theft—An Illustrative Case from Pascal—Every Precept of the Decaloguemade Void—Jesuit Morality the Consummation of the Wickedness of the Fall.

    Chapter 6

    The Jesuit Soldier in Armour complete—Secret Instructions—How to Plant their First Establishments—Taught to Court the Parochial Clergy—to Visit the Hospitals—to Find out the Wealth of their several Districts—to make Purchases in another Name—to Draw the Youth round them—to Supplant the Older Orders—How to get the Friendship of Great Men—How to Manage Princes—How to Direct their Policy—Conduct their Embassies—Appoint their Servants, etc.—Taught to Affect a Great Show of Lowliness.

    Chapter 7

    How Rich Widows are to be Drawn to the Chapels and Confessionals of the Jesuits—Kept from Thoughts of a Second Marriage—Induced to Enter an Order, and Bequeath their Estates to the Society—Sons and Daughters of Widows—How to Discover the Revenues and Heirs of Noble Houses—Illustration from Spain—Borrowing on Bond—The instructions to be kept Secret—If Discovered, to be Denied—How the Instructions came to Light.

    Chapter 8

    The Conflict Great—the Arms Sufficient—The Victory Sure—Set Free from Episcopal Jurisdiction—Acceptance in Italy—Venice—Spain— Portugal—Francis Xavier—France—Germany—Their First Planting in Austria—In Cologne and Ingolstadt—Thence Spread over all Germany—Their Schools—Wearing of Crosses—Revival of the Popish Faith.

    Chapter 9

    England—Poland—Cardinal Hosius—Sigismund III—Ruin of Poland—Jesuit Missions in the East Indies—Numbers of their Converts—Their Missions in Abyssinia—Their Kingdom of Paraguay—Their Trading Establishments in the West Indies—Episode of Father la Valette— Bankruptcy—Trial—Their Constitutions brought to Light — Banished from all Popish Kingdoms—Suppressed by Clement XIV—The Pope Dies Suddenly—The Order Restored by Plus VII—The Jesuits the Masters of the Pope.

    Chapter 10

    Failure of Ratisbon Conference—What Next to be Done?—Restore the Inquisition—Paul III—Caraffa—His History—Spread of Protestantism in Italy—Juan di Valdez—His Reunions at Chiaja—Peter Martyr Vermigli— Bernardino Ochino—Galeazzo CaraccioliVittoria Colonna, etc.—Pietro Carnesecchi, etc.—Shall Naples or Geneva Lead in the Reform Movement?

    Chapter 11

    A Stunning Blow—Three Classes in Italy—Flight of Peter Martyr Vermigli —of Ochino—Caraffa made Pope—The Martyrs, Mollio and Tisserano— Italian Protestantism Crushed—A Notable Epoch—Three Movements— The Inquisition at Nuremberg—The Torture-Chamber— Its Furnishings— Max Tower—The Chamber of Question—The various Instruments of Torture—The Subterranean Dungeons—The Iron Virgin—Her Office— The Burial of the Dead.

    Additional Information:




       1994 Rwandan Genocide in the Jungle


      Go purchase the Video: "Hotel Rwanda"

      It openly mocks the stupidity and ignorance of the people!


      Rwanda is a predominantly Christian nation where three out of four people call themselves Catholic after 100 years of intense exposure to white missionaries. In 1994, the country was turned into a vast graveyard. In 100 days, 800,000 men and women, babies and old people were butchered as marauding bands of R.C. Hutu militia hunted and killed every member of the Protestant Tutsi minority they could find. I shall include the not named here genocide of 8,000 S.D.A who were in hiding known only to one, their (SUPPOSED) leader. In reality he was a Jesuit plant. He is alive and in hiding in the United states Today!

      At Nyange, Seromba's parish, thousands of Tutsi fled to the church and Seromba, who had been the priest for about six months, for refuge. Instead, they were slaughtered.

      Witnesses said Seromba, a Hutu, sided with the campaign to exterminate the Tutsi to an extreme extent. He urged on the militia attacking the church and, in a climax of unimaginable horror, ordered it to be bulldozed, crushing those inside.

      Anastase Kinamubanzi, one of the bulldozer drivers, balked at demolishing "God's house." But Seromba told him: "There are many Christians in foreign lands. This church will be rebuilt in three days". Witnesses are quoted as saying he paid the drivers and locals to bury the bodies. Between 2,000 and 2,500 were killed.

      Today, a weed-strewn mound of rubble, mixed with bundles of rags that once were people, and four stark wooden crosses are all that remain of the church at Nyange. A lush grassy plain nearby covers a mass grave. The attacks on the Tutsi in the Nyange area began on April 8. Two days earlier, President Juvenal Habyarimana had been killed in a mysterious plane crash near Kigali, the capital. His death was blamed on the minority Tutsi, regarded as the enemy. It unleashed a wave of killings and, as happened everywhere, Tutsi in Seromba's area fled their homes.

      Seromba, accompanied by Grégoire Ndaimana, the burgomaster or mayor, and a group of councillors and police officers, toured the villages, urging people to gather in the church for their own protection.

      The priest was a reassuring presence in an increasingly frightening world. But he was engaged in a cruel deception. Seromba and the burgomaster were chairing daily sessions of a "special security committee" whose one purpose, according to a police participant, was "the extermination of the Tutsi" gathering at the church.

      By and by, hundreds of people had congregated for safety in the church and courtyard. But many Hutu militia, were converging on them as well. Many Tutsi had armed themselves with stones and their own traditional weapons.

      Some were hiding in the presbytery, a two-storey building nearby where Seromba had his quarters. Seromba did not like them being there and had them expelled. According to Papias Hategekimana, his cook, he said to an Hutu militiaman who had come to ask permission to let them kill the Tutsi: "Wait, I will tell you when the time comes."

      When she entered the church on Sunday, April 10, Virginie Mukabarinda, who was 20, was struck by the pathetic sound of "children crying from hunger and lack of air." She had a daughter and a baby girl and there was nothing to eat. Seromba was heard to say the Tutsi in the church should be left to starve.

      On the Tuesday, Bertin Ndakubana, a livestock breeder and now a local councillor, entered with his family and found Seromba there. He heard someone ask the priest to pray for them. "Is the God of the Tutsi still alive?" Seromba replied.

      "Someone else said to him, 'Aren't you concerned about these children polluting the altar? Couldn't you allocate some rooms instead of the church,'" Ndakubana recalled. "Seromba answered: `You can go and s--- on the altar if you want to, because I won't be celebrating mass on it ever again' "

      The next day, April 13, the gendarmes confiscated the Tutsi's knives, machetes and axes, leaving them almost defenceless except for stones. Charles Kagenza, a member of the local Charismatic Renewal Movement, began organizing prayers. It was at this point that Seromba took away the chalices, communion cups and clerical vestments. Kagenza asked him to leave the monstrance and the Eucharist so that they could hold a service. Seromba said the building no longer functioned as a church.

      The decision to kill the Tutsi was taken that evening. According to Adrien Niyyitegeka, a police officer who attended the meeting, Seromba approved. Ndaimana, the burgomaster, went to Kibuye, the nearest big town, to seek ammunition and gasoline to burn them if it was necessary.

      The church was attacked on schedule the following day. The refugees, although weak from hunger and thirst, managed to defend themselves at first and repulsed the attackers with stones.

      Another high-level meeting was called at which Seromba agreed to use his influence to persuade the refugees to leave the church. At the same time, reinforcements were summoned with drums.

      The next day more the Hutu militants, wearing feathers and banana leaves, and chanting, blowing whistles and beating drums encircled the church. Seromba tried to persuade people to leave. The killing began an hour afterward. Seromba was seen firing into the crowd with his gun.

      "They killed using machetes, hand grenades, guns, spears and arrows. It was horrific," Ndakubana said. "Children were screaming, women were crying, men were groaning. Some people tried to get out of the church, but were caught and killed immediately, while others were running into the church to get out of the courtyard. Some people even went to the priests' quarters, although anyone who hid there was chased out again by the priests." Another witness described Seromba at one stage standing on the presbytery balcony with the other priests, watching the slaughter "as though they were watching a good film."

      Jean-Bosco Safari, 33, a civil servant whose wife was killed, was hiding in the presbytery kitchen with others. When they were discovered, Seromba told them he would ensure their safety.

      Then, Safari said, the gendarmes came, lined up those still hiding in the courtyard and shot them. "They went on killing until the evening. The noise was indescribable, the screams, the terrifying sound of grenades exploding.

      It was like a scene from hell with the devil dressed as a priest that evening. A young girl begged Seromba to save her. He replied. 'Get lost, cockroach).'" Virginie and Alexis Mukabarinda were also hiding in the kitchen with their baby Apollonia. They had left their elder daughter and Virginie's father in the church, where they later died.

      Afraid that Apollonia would cry and give them away, Virginie hid in a cupboard used to store fruit. Alexis and others in the kitchen were dripping blood from their wounds when Seromba came in.

      Seromba told them to set an example and be the first to leave. They were given no choice, Virginie said, and trooped out. It was the last she saw of her husband. Seromba believed that everybody had left and went to the sink to wash his hands.

      "My heart was in my mouth," Virginie said. "I prayed to God not to let Apollonia sneeze and gave her my breast to suck. God granted my prayer." As she hid she heard Seromba talking to himself at the sink, unaware that he was being overheard. He was saying in a loud voice: "My God, forgive me. I can't do anything else. They have to die. War is a terrible thing."

      Seromba brought in two Hutu girls to mop up the blood. One was Epiphanie. Hungry and hoping to find some fruit in the cupboard, she opened the door and found Virginie cowering inside with her baby.

      "We'll never get rid of the Tutsi fighters," she exclaimed. "They are too crafty. How could that woman have got in the cupboard?" She ordered Virginie out and criticized Seromba for having Tutsi staff. But he told her not to bother about Virginie. "Why don't you hand her over to the people who will deal with her?"

      Virginie was let go but her tragedy was not over. After hiding in yam and manioc fields for two days she took the risk of contacting François Muemezi, a Hutu neighbour, and appealing for his help.

      He seemed to take pity on her and agreed to escort her and Apollonia across the Nyabarongo River to safety. "When we got near the river, François seized Apollonia and drowned her. I sat down and could not move."

      That evening, Seromba and the burgomaster chaired a meeting to decide on a "final strategy of extermination" of the Tutsi. At 10 a.m. the next day, April 16, after more abortive attacks, the order was given to destroy the church.

      Two bulldozers that had already been used to bury the corpses littering the area were ordered back. They simultaneously smashed into the left and right sides of the church. The walls caved in on the people and the militia rushed in, hacking and stabbing at random. But the steeple was still standing.

      Charles Kagenza had climbed up it to save himself and, supported by a beam, watched the horror unfold below him. "The church was completely destroyed between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. It made a terrible noise, combined with the victims' cries and moans."

      Seromba sipped beer on his balcony and took pot shots at the refugees in the steeple, chatting with the burgomaster as to who was the better shot. Even before that incident, Serumba had allegedly refused help to Tutsis in the first days of the genocide, even turning down requests to buy food on their behalf with their own money.

      The Role of the Church

      Rwanda is still struggling to come to terms with the genocide. There is no doubt that the Catholic Church abetted the tragedy. It was the single most powerful institution in the country after the government and its clergy were not exempt from the country's pervasive racism.

      The church's failure to foster reconciliation remains a hot issue in Rwanda. A bishop is on trial now for genocide, a first in the history of the Catholic church. The Vatican says the trial is an attack on the church. It has helped to organize his legal defence.

      In the same way, it also looked after two priests who were Seromba's subordinates at Nyange during the massacre. The Rwandan courts sentenced them to death last year. Contrast this with the Church's protection of Seromba, who remains abroad and free.

      Seromba has been in Italy for the past two years with the connivance of his home bishop back in Rwanda who sanctioned his overseas posting. However, the church's protection of Seromba is about to be blown apart. A devastating dossier on his willing participation in the genocide, based on testimonies gathered in Rwanda by survivors, witnesses and accomplices, will be published as a charge-sheet against him by African Rights, the London-based human rights organization. African Rights has been investigating the genocide and its aftermath over the past five years and regards Seromba as one of its worst cases.

      "In the light of the testimonies," said Rakiya Omaar, African Rights director, "it is surely impossible for the church in Italy and in Rwanda, the judicial authorities in Italy or the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda to allow Fr. Seromba simply to leave his past behind. The grounds for his arrest and prosecution are beyond question."

      Omaar also said the London-based group wanted to establish how and where Seromba obtained his visa, who facilitated him, whether his visa had been extended or its nature changed and whether it had been issued in that name or the one he goes by in Italy, Anastasio Sumba Bura. She said African Rights was also asking the Tanzania-based International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda to investigate as well.

      The group raised the case of Seromba in a 10-page letter to Pope John Paul last year but Omaar said it had been "summarily dismissed" and she had heard nothing back.

      A spokesperson for the cardinal said: "Seromba was presented to us by his bishop and superiors in Rwanda. They asked us to take him for a while so we did. He is here practising as a priest and studying theology and we do not know anything else. But he seems to be a very good man and it is not nice to hear these things."

      At the Vatican there was silence. But a leading missionary figure who knew Seromba when he passed through Kenya on his way to Italy was both surprised and dismayed to learn last week that Seromba remains in the priesthood and in Florence.

      He said: "In terms of attitude and ideology, I can say he was a Hutu extremist, a deeply un-Christian person and not a genuine priest; most likely he should be conducted before a genocide tribunal." It was the first time anyone in the Church of any authority had dared to give a negative judgment on the Seromba case.

      Confronted at his church, Seromba said at first he did not want to talk.

      "I do not have the time," he said. Pressed again, he insisted there was nothing he could have done to save his parishioners. He was not going to confess and he was at peace with his God.

      A Rwandan court in April 1998 sentenced Serumba's colleagues, Frs. Jean Francois Kayiranga and Edouard Nkurikiye, to death after finding them guilty of crimes against humanity. The driver of the digger, was given a life term. About 800,000 Tutsis and Hutu moderates were killed by Hutu extremists in the

      100-day killing spree in 1994.

      In a separate case, Bp. Augustin Misago of Gikongoro in southern Rwanda, went on trial in Sept. on charges of collaborating with officials in Tutsi extermination plans.

      Nuns involved also

      African Rights is going after other alleged genocidal clergy as well. In a 62-page report documenting the alleged involvement of Srs. Gertrude Mukangango and. Julienne Kizito in the deaths of up to 6,000 Tutsis, they called on the Belgian judicial system to prosecute the two nuns.

      The group said its report showed that members of the Belgian Catholic clergy had "sought to interfere with the process of justice." African Rights said its findings were based on testimony from 34 witnesses to the slaughter in Sovu, Rwanda, from April to July 1994. These included survivors, other nuns, prisoners accused of genocide and residents of Sovu.

      The nuns have been living at the Benedictine order in Maredret, Belgium, since Aug. 1994. The order declined comment on the report. The report said the unquestioning faith of the order alone could not explain why the women remained at liberty when there were so many people prepared to testify to their involvement in the genocide in Sovu.

      "The example of the Church's response to the accusations against the Sovu nuns raises... the broader issue of the Catholic Church's political stance, before, during and after the 1994 genocide," it said.

      The report said the behavior of some at the Belgian monastery "suggests that at the heart of the Catholic church in Belgium are clergy prepared not only to tolerate genocide suspects, but to work alongside them, and even to do all in their power to cover up for them."

      Reuters, 2/28/00, 11/24/99, 11/21; London Sunday Times, 11/21

      Late Breaking News:

      Blame Shared for Rwandan Genocide

      UNITED NATIONS - In a scathing indictment of the failure to halt the worst genocide since World War II, an international panel has blamed the UN Security Council, the United States, France and the Roman Catholic Church for failing to prevent the slaughter of more than 500,000 Rwandans.

      The seven-member panel created by the Organization of African Unity called for the international community - especially those countries that failed to prevent or help stop the 1994 genocide - to pay reparations to Rwanda "in the name of both justice and accountability."

      The Vatican's UN observer mission said it had no comment on the report.

      The panel concluded that France was closer than any other government to the Rwandan regime and knew what was happening, but did nothing to stop the genocide before it began. Like the French government, the panel blamed the Catholic and Anglican hierarchies for failing to use "their unique moral position among the overwhelmingly Christian population to denounce ethnic hatred and human rights abuses."

      The UN had a 2,500-strong peacekeeping mission in Rwanda when the genocide began, but governments pulled out all but a few hundred troops after 10 Belgian peacekeepers were killed.

      Meanwhile, the trial of Bp. Augustin Misago, 56, the highest-ranking member of over 20 priests and nuns charged in the massacre, was to reach a verdict by June 15. It is not known what the result was. Two priests have already been convicted and sentenced to death.

      Prosecutors said Misago sent 3 priests and dozens of schoolchildren to their deaths by denying them shelter. They were hacked to death by a mob.

      In mid-May, Pope John Paul II, after hearing the prosecution's request for a death sentence, sent Misago a telegram of solidarity, saying that he was praying for Misago's release.
      AP 7/7/2000, Reuters 5/11, 5/10

      Ugandan Cult Murders

      KAMPALA - A cult leader facing murder charges in Uganda's doomsday massacre was a student priest who attended graduate school at a Jesuit university in Los Angeles, officials said. Defrocked priest Dominic Kataribabo, 32, is one of 6 Ugandans now wanted in connection with the worst cult-related killings in modern history.

      So far, police have found 924 bodies, most of them burnt, many strangled and mutilated. More than half were inside the nailed-shut doors of a village church set afire while many followers were still alive. Leaders of the cult slaughtered a child every Friday and drank its blood, a Kampala newspaper reported.

      Several people who claimed they had witnessed ritual killings said that the leaders consulted witches in nearby towns who advised them "to kill the opposition leaders and drink the blood of a young slain child to keep off the spirits and government."

      Originally thought to have perished in the fire, the cult leaders are now believed to be in hiding, possibly in Kenya. Little had been known about Kataribabo, a defrocked Roman Catholic priest who helped lead the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God, and preached the world would end on Dec. 31, 1999.

      P>But church and university officials said Kataribabo earned a 1987 master's degree in religious studies from Loyola Marymount University, one of America's top Roman Catholic colleges. "He seemed to be pretty ordinary," said a university spokesman, reviewing Kataribabo's records.

      Police found 81 bodies, 5 of which were children, under a newly poured cement floor in Kataribabo's 10-room house. Another 74 mutilated, strangled bodies, including 28 children, were found in his backyard.

      Los Angeles Archdiocese records show Kataribabo was awarded a full Loyola Marymount scholarship in 1985 under a university program benefiting third world priests after being nominated by his local bishop in the Kampala archdiocese. Kataribabo lived at St. Anthony's parish rectory in the coastal city of El Segundo, said archdiocese spokesman Fr. Gregory Coiro.

      The archdiocese granted "sacramental ministry" permission to Kataribabo, meaning he could conduct Mass and weddings at St. Anthony's, said Coiro. The ordained priest from Uganda left America on July 10, 1987. "He said he was returning to his own country," Coiro said. "There were no improprieties listed in Kataribabo's file." It was only after he became involved with the cult that he was defrocked.

      The warrants name two other of sect's most notorious figures: "The Prophet," Bishop Joseph Kibwetere, titular head of the cult, and charismatic ex-banana beer peddler and former prostitute, Sister Cedonia Mwerinde, 48, known as "The Programmer," the real power behind the cult with her self-proclaimed apocalyptic visions of the Virgin Mary.

      Fr Paul Ikazire, a priest who spent three years as one of the cult's leaders before defecting back to the Roman Catholic Church, recalls how Sister Credonia dominated the sect.

      "The meetings were chaired by Sister Credonia, who was the de facto head of the cult," he said. "Kibwetere was just a figurehead, intended to impose masculine authority over the followers and enhance the cult's public relations. I perceived her as a trickster, obsessed with the desire to grab other people's property. She told her followers to sell their property but she never sold hers."

      Credonia was also responsible for imposing a ruthless daily regimen on the devotees. They would be woken before sunrise to perform religious rites and receive instruction on her apocalyptic teachings, then be forced to toil from dawn until dusk in the fields, with only a cup of porridge in the mornings and a plate of beans in the evenings.

      A strict code of silence was also enforced: followers were allowed to speak only to recite prayers or sing hymns. This brutal way of life turned her followers - many of them illiterate peasants when they joined - into a cowed, half-starved, sleep-deprived flock which was ripe for brain-washing.

      Both men are described as serene and quiet-spoken; but both were also torn by religious turmoil that made them prey to Credonia's influence. Kibwetere was treated for mental illness in 1998. Although there is no doubt that they also oversaw the killing spree - Kataribabo even bought the sulphuric acid used in the church blaze - they appeared to have believed in their warped visions of Catholicism. Few who knew Credonia believed that she shared their religious conviction.

      There has been speculation that the deaths came after predictions of the end of the world failed to come true. Cult members, who were told to sell their possessions and give the proceeds to the movement, had been told that they would enter a new world "free of sorrow and misery".

      On Fri., March 17, 600 followers were boarded inside the church and were then incinerated in a fire set from within the building. The previous night, cult members were treated to an unprecedented celebration: 70 crates of Coca-Cola were ordered and a bull slaughtered. The sect had been busily selling off everything from empty jerry cans and old clothes to houses and 200 head of cattle.

      It is thought that cult members believed that the boards were to protect them and keep out the unredeemed during the apocalypse. Yet, that does not explain why they did not react to the smell of the gasoline and sulphuric acid that police say was sprinkled around the room. One possibility is that they were given drugged or poisoned communion wine. Once the inferno began, there was no escape. "It was all over very quickly," one detective said.

      The blaze, initially treated as mass suicide, turned out to be only the fiery climax of a horrific killing rampage. International arrest warrants have been issued for the leaders. If found and convicted, they could be hanged.
      BBC 4/27/2000, Sunday Telegraph 4/6, AP 4/6, 3/28

    Oct 22, 2009 by â–  Miriam Mannak - 2 comments

    article image

    Italian police arrest priest for role in Rwanda genocide

    By Miriam Mannak.
    Just weeks after the arrest of a top accused of planning, executing and participating in the 1994 Rwandan genocide, the Italian police arrested another suspect. A priest, this time. The man is accused of ordering for the deaths of 80 students aged 12-20.
    According to media reports, 47-year-old Emmanuel Mihigo Wayezu - who had been serving in a church in the Tuscan town of Empoli for the past 12 years - has denied all charges and has said he tried to save lives rather then ending them. The arrest comes just over three weeks after the arrest of Idelphonse Nizeyimana, one of the top four planners and executors of the massacres, which started in the first week of April 1994, lasted for approximately three months and killed approximately 800.000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus. Ethnic division However, a group called African Rights accused Wayezu, who is an ethnic Hutu, of being involved in the massacre of 80 Tutsi students aged 12-20 at the Kibeho College of Arts, situated in the south of Rwanda. Wayezu at that time was the director of the school. "They perished at the hands of their teachers, fellow students, the gendarmes who were supposedly protecting them and interahamwe militiamen," Africa Rights say in a report. "They died because the director of their school, Father Emmanuel, abandoned them and laid the groundwork for the massacre. The youngsters were studying at the Groupe Scolaire Marie Merci [part of the art school] in Kibeho where he had been the headmaster for two years. They died at the nearby College of Arts because that is where Wayezu, after separating the students along ethnic lines, sent all the Tutsis." "He planned their deaths"According to the organisation, the role of the church man in massacre of the Tutsi students in Kibeho - which took place on May 7 - is crystal clear:
    For two years prior to the massacre of 7 May 1994, Fr. Uwayezu allowed some students, in particular those displaced from the war-affected préfectures in the north, to spread ethnic hatred at the school, labelling all Tutsis as inyenzi [cockroaches in Kinyarwanda] and enemies of Rwanda. This created ethnic divisions within the student body, encouraged lack of discipline and emboldened these students, and many among the staff, to believe they could do whatever they saw fit.

    Dangerous vaccuum of hatred The report furthermore says that on 7 April, when a plane carrying president Juvénal Habyarimanawas shot from the sky, Uwayezu gathered the students together "to announce the death of the president in a manner that was calculated to enflame ethnic tensions and suspicions. At a time of fear and uncertainty, he left the students to their own devices. His failure to provide them with guidance and leadership created a dangerous vacuum filled by staff and students with an ethnic agenda in support of the genocide." According to reserach by Africa Rights, Wayezu on April 11 arranged for about 20 gendarmes to camp near the school to look after the students’ security. Only 4 days later, these militiamen actively participated in the massacre of about 20,000 people at the Parish of Kibeho, situated nearby. "Afterwards they returned to the school. Wayezu is accused of instructing the gendarmes to shoot the refugees who were trying to escape the parish by hiding in the school. He allowed the students who were especially hostile to Tutsis to spend time with the gendarmes," the report says. Wayezu is also accused of ignoring pleas for help from Tutsi students who said Hutu classmates had told them of a plan to massacre them, and that the gendarmes were taking a census of Tutsis within the school. Handful of survivorsIn the days to come, it is said that Wayezu has been often seen in the presence of the men who would later be key participants in the 7 May massacre. On the night of May 6, it is alleged that gendarmes escorted a small group of students out of the College and confiscated the key, making it impossible to lock the school from the inside. A few hours later, in the morning of May 7, a large number of militiamen armed with machetes and knives entered the dining room, where the students were having breakfast. Wayezu was nowhere to be seen.

    The gendarmes, who he had posted there “to safeguard the students” shot into the air instead of dispersing the attackers. The massacre started immediately. Except for a handful of survivors, most of the students at the College perished, killed by the guns and grenades of the gendarmes or the spears, axes and machetes of the militiamen. Wayezu returned to Kibeho several days after the massacre at the College

    Men of God? It is not the first time a 'man of God' has been arrested on suspicion of planning, participating in and executing the 1994 genocide. In 2001, ex-priest Athanase Seromba - who had also fled to Italy - was charged by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) on the four counts: genocide or alternatively complicity in genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide and crimes against humanity. Five years later, Seromba was found guilty of genocide and extermination as a crime against humanity and sentenced to a single term of fifteen years imprisonment. On 22 December 2006, the Prosecutor filed an appeal against this judgement. Two years later, the Appeals Chamber overturned the conviction of Athanase Seromba for "aiding and abetting genocide and extermination as a crime against humanity and substituted it to convictions for committing genocide and extermination as a crime against humanity. The Appeals Chamber unanimously quashed the sentence of 15 years imprisonment and sentenced him to life in prison."

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     Is the Inquisition Over?

    According to The American Textbook of Popery:

    The usurped power of the Romish Prelates and Inquisitors to imprision, torture, confiscate, condemn, and burn Protestants, is only suspended in its operation.

    The assertion of right is not abandoned; and the exercise of the sway is not abolished. Papal statutes respecting the Inquisition must be valid as long as the pontificate endures [popes are supposedly infallible]. The enactments of the Council of Trent will have the authority of Popish law, until the overthrow of Babylon the Great. All Roman Prelates and Priests in Protestant countries are authorized ever to adopt the appointed regulations and customs of the Inquisition; both in the shameless methods of the Confessional, and in the more excruciating terrors of the Masshouse dungeons. The preceding decretals, rescripts, rules, and cannons, as transcribed from the Directory for the Inquisition, and the bulls of more than twenty Popes during a period of nearly four hundred years, are the common law of the Papacy upon this subject; the full obligations of which, according to their casuistry and decisions, are universal and permanent.

    ...That the above canons and rules for the extirpation of heresy or Protestantism are in full authority, and that the enforcement of them is only delayed to "a more convenient season," is self-evident; when we advert to the "profession of faith of Pope Pius IV" which every Roman Priest ratifies by his oath; and which is the solemnly announced creed of every Papist. In that document are the following articles. "I acknowledge the Roman Church as the mother and mistress of all churches: and I promise true obedience to the Bishop of Rome, successor to Peter, Prince of the Apostles and the Vicar of Jesus Christ. I most steadfastly admit and embrace apostolical and ecclesiastical traditions, and all other observances and constitutions of the same church.--I also admit the holy scripture according to that sense, which our holy mother the church has held, and does hold, to which it belong to judge the true sense and interpretation of the scriptures; neither will I ever take and interpret them otherwise than according to the unanaimous consent of the fathers.--I likewise undoubtedly receive and profess all things delivered, defined, and declared by the canons and general Councils, and particularly by the Council of Trent: and I condemn, reject, and anathematize all things contrary thereto, and all heresies which the church has condemned, rejected, and anathematized.--I do freely profess, and sincerely hold this faith, without which no one can be saved."

    Thus it is explicitly declared, that the belief of all the decretals, canons, extravagants, and bulls of the successive Roman Pontiffs and Popish Councils in every age during the last 1200 years, is essential to salvation...

    ...Where can you travel about Europe, and not find the deathless proofs of the sanguinary spirit and merciless exhibition of Popery? Cities, towns, villages, and other spots consecrated by the Christian's prayers and tears, and hallowed by the martyr's blood, continuously bring before your eyes, the prophetic vision, Revelation 17; "The woman sitting upon the scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy; drunken with the blood of the Saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus;" delighted with the work of death which she had enjoined, and exulting in the racks, and daggers, and poison, and fires which that "Mystery" had invented and coerced into ceaseless and universal application? Greater numbers of mankind have been murdered by the Papal hierarchy, on the account of the Christian religion, than have untimely perished from any other cause... m

    The inquisitional chairs

    This instrument of torture comes in different versions. We are first going to examine their common features and, then, their differences. All of them have common features, in that they are covered with spikes on the back, on the arm-rests, on the seat, on the leg-rests and on the foot-rests. The chair exhibited at the museum of San Gimignano has 1300 spikes, a real "carpet" of spikes . One version has a bar screwed on the lower portion of the chair, by the victim's feet, which by a screw mechanism forced the back of the legs against the spikes, thus penetrating the flesh of the victim. Another version had two bars immobilising the victim's wrists forcing his forearms against the arm-rests resulting in the flesh being penetrated by the spikes.
    Another version had a bar at chest height, to immobilize the victim's bust, while the spiked seat had holes to allow the victim's bottom to be 'heated" by hot coals placed under the seat, causing painful burns, but still keeping the victim conscious.
    The strength of this instrument lies mainly in the psychological terror it causes and the threat that the torture will get increasingly worse, conforming to a model where the pain starts off easy and then gets progressively worse. The idea is that the Inquisitors can interrupt it at any stage, upon visual inspection of the damages that have been inflicted.
    This instrument was used in Germany up to the 1800s, in Italy and in Spain up to the end of the 1700s, in France, in Great Britain and in the other central European countries, according to certain sources, up until the end of 1800s.

    The maiden of Nuremberg

    The name of this instrument seems to have originated from a prototype that was built in the town of Nuremberg. It is also said that this sort of sarcophagus had the face of a maiden carved on its front door, probably with the aim of making this horrible container look more refined.
    This instrument has four main features, whose wickedness, I think, deserve to be analyzed. The inside of the sarcophagus was fitted with spikes designed to pierce different parts of the body, but miss the vital organs, so that the victim was kept alive, in an upright position.
    Its second feature is that the victims were kept in an extremely confined space to increase their suffering.
    Its third feature was that the device could be opened and closed without letting the victim, who had been pierced from the front and the back, get away.
    Its fourth feature was that the container was so thick that no shrieks and moaning could be heard from outside unless the doors were opened. When the sarcophagus doors were shut again, the spikes pierced exactly the same parts of the body as before, and thus no relief was ever possible. This instrument can be defined both a torture and a death instrument.

    The Garrotte

    This instrument bears a Spanish name because it was "improved" in Spain, where it became the official instrument of capital punishment. It remained in use until 1975, when the last person to be executed was a young student who was later found to be innocent. This incident was one of the arguments used for the abolition of death penalty in that country.
    This instrument has very ancient origins. Simply put, a pole was driven into the ground and a rope was tied around the victim's neck. But if the pole was not very thick and the rope was tightened behind the pole, the neck of the victim could be tightened more gradually and easily released.
    This sort of torture was used all over the world as testified by etchings.
    The string tying the victim's neck to the pole could be made of a material that would shrink once wetted, so that the victim would slowly suffocate as it dried.
    The "improved" Spanish version of this instrument was used for executions. It had a steel collar, larger in size than the victim's neck to prevent strangulation, but, at the same time, tight enough to immobilize the head and the neck.
    Preventing neck and head movement was necessary because it allowed the victim's cervical vertebrae to be penetrated by a steel tip, moved by a screw mechanism positioned in the rear of the pole. In theory, such penetration was to be quick and precise, thus, able to administer a rapid and certain death.
    Actually, though, the possibility of error and failure is so high that I leave it to the imagination of the reader to consider the suffering it actually inflicted.


    These devices had two main features: They exposed the victims to ridicule by forcing them to wear a ridiculous likeness, and, at the same time, they inflicted mortification and physical torture by occluding the victims' mouth or nose and covering their eyes. As we can see in the picture number 3, the victim's mouth was stopped up with a ball to prevent her from screaming and moaning.
    The long ears represented the ears of an ass. In Europe, many negative characteristics were attributed to this animal. Even today, donkeys are considered to be the stupid version of horses and the epithet "ass" is still used, in Italy, France and Spain, to define a stupid person.
    The version with a pig nose or even a pig head, symbolizes someone dirty. The word pig, when referred to a person, is considered offensive in all European languages.

    The heretics fork

    This instrument consisted of two little forks one set against the other, with the four prongs rammed into the flesh, under the chin and above the chest. A small collar supported the instrument in such a manner that the victims were forced to hold their head erect, thus preventing any movement.
    The forks did not penetrate any vital points, and thus suffering was prolonged and death avoided. Obviously the victims' hands were tied behind their back.


    The Inquisition got its bloody start during the long and vicious Albigensian Crusade, where southern France was devastated by a coalition of greedy lords from the north. There was a basic problem distinguishing devout Catholics from heretic Cathars, which inspired one crusader to say, "Slay them all, God will know his own," and act accordingly.

    Those who were executed or publicly punished in some way were done so in a closing spectacle even grander than the general sermon at the beginning. The Church did not take the blame for the death penalty; instead, it "relaxed" the victims into the tender mercies of the State, which would then conduct the actual immolation. But to claim the Church was therefore not responsible for the burnings is about as believable as that it was the low-ranking guards behind the photographed horrors in Iraq.

    An inheritance of iniquity

    The Inquisition left in its wake a vast legacy of profound evil. It refashioned the Catholic Church into an intellectual dictatorship, a religious police-state where the appearance of conformity remains all-important. To this day, secrecy still rules. And society has paid the price.

    The papacy, whose tool it was, should be held in utter contempt and horror. After all, was not the Inquisition the polar opposite of everything good that the Church claims to be?

    Perhaps the awareness of what people can do to their fellow humans in the name of God is just too awful to contemplate for long. Given the reactions to the sickening pictures from Iraq, that may indeed be so.

    In any event, the Inquisition itself endures. And now the former head of its modern incarnation has become the Supreme Pontiff.


    Catholic Inquisition - The Torture Tools

    Most people have some knowledge of the Holocaust. The 6 years of torture and atrocities that the Jews suffered under Hitler and the Nazis during the Second World War. While in no way downplaying the terrible events of the Holocaust, such a massacre does not compare to the severity to the torture and murder that took place under Papal authority during the 605 years of the Inquisition .


    From the beginning of the Papacy, until the present time, it is estimated by credible historians that more than 50,000,000 men and women have been slaughtered for the crime of heresy charged against them by Papal Rome. This Video contains actual photographs of some of the instruments of torture that were used. Please make it known to others.




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                            A Shrewd And Ruthless Pope:

     Ratzinger: Head of the "Inquisition" for 14 years!

    History verifies these facts as well as Alberto, Malachi Martin, William Cooper, and a few others. The Vatican is the richest organization on the planet.The inquisition has NEVER ceased, but the world at large are totally unaware.They all blame the jews? How anyone with the least bit of understanding blames anyone other than the Vatican is beyond me. The Inquisition(s) Rome spearheaded! / Hitler-Rome spearheaded / France-Rome spearheaded/ Bosnia-Rome spearheaded,1994 Rwanda-Rome spearheaded. How pray tell can ANYONE with "ANY" understanding  blame the Jews.
     They  were originally "ALWAYS" separated from everyone placed in the very place the word originated (ghetto)!  If it is the Jews as the blind claim, WHY does the world honor and worship SUN-day? (The Jews don't)!  WHY does the world honor Dec. 25th as Christ's birth date? (The Jews don't)!  Why does the world honor/worship Easter (Ishtar)? (The Jews don't)! They keep Passover!  Why did the Knights Templar kill every jew they encountered IF the jews are behind it? Why was the (SWASTIKA) used throughout Hitler's regime? It is the very same SUN-Symbol which was worshiped at least 3000 years BEFORE Jesus Christ came to this fallen piece of dirt known as planet Earth! Let's put on our thinking caps shall we? Now I wish to bring to light something very significant.
    This is from the gospel of John,
    11: 45 Then many of the Jews which came to Mary, and had seen the things which Jesus did, believed on Him.
    47 Then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council, and said, What do we? for this man doeth many miracles.

    48 If we let Him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation. This is exactly the very same scenario taking place today under the Illuminati.

     12:1 Then Jesus six days before the passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead. (Pre example of His resurrection.

    9 Much people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there: and they came not for Jesus' sake only, but that they might see Lazarus also, whom he had raised from the dead.
    10 But the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death;

    11 Because that by reason of him many of the Jews went away, and believed on Jesus.


    The Fatima hoax//with the apparition of Mary,
    just as every genocide the Vatican has shamefully and UN-godly pulled off; Mary has supposedly appeared and given her approval as this being God's will! These heinous atrocities of genocide are being attributed to and in the name of god being the blame laid! But I ask you Dear reader, (which god)?    
    The final fruition will be her appearance (unto the world). She will illuminate the grandeur of their imposter god, the papal vicar, the usurper of God, the Pontifex Maximus-false messiah Pope! They shall indeed use ameriKa (Revelation 13:11-18) which was founded by the Jesuits, who used Freemasonry to set it up(since it's inception) to become the militant strongarm of the Vatican, to FORCE all the world to WORSHIP their sun-god(HORUS) the pope//Catholocism///Babylon Mystery Religion//CHRISTianity(luciferean-satanic SUN worship) or be killed.The poor people truly have no understanding as to what really is taking place under their noses right now. They  need to really search these things out so to understand clearly what is transpiriing so that they shall not be deceived and falter in their hour. The matter at hand is of the utmost urgency and not something to put off till tomorrow! 
                                         Study to show thyself approved before God!
     (1776) is the date of the founding of the Illuminati by Adam Weishaupt; who was Jesuit trained as was his father;  just as the Jesuits have infiltrated every sect of society unaware and undetected, undermining every denomination of (religion) as well . Everything is a total smokescreen, to keep the Vatican hidden and well out of view as the true "HEAD" of this evil, wicked, abominable system of Luciferean Sun worship. Jerusalem was handed over to the Vatican in 1993-1994 during the Oslo accords. They "All" are the pope's puppets in line pushing the N.W.O. ( Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum) which is just another name for Catholocism!  Did I hear that right?  Yes indeed... their global agenda against man and God whom Christ shall destroy at His appearing; our Saviour.
    The people are totally unlearned in these things as their pastors have willingly succumbed to the Vicar in fear because of Mammon, luxury, comfort, and the jack-booted nazi's (Romeland security) coming, confiscating everything and shutting them down. (501c 3 ,4, 5) etc.. removing their livelyhoods//FREE-ride//FREE lunch. Christ worked with His hands as did the apostles and they are our examples!
     The Georgia Guidestones well state their intentions.To annialate the 6 billion plus down to 500 million! It is always calmest  BEFORE the storm. This has been their intention and desire since the Crusades; and satan's before that, and this is EXACTLY what is coming as their leader has sold them out!  Now I will state one thing, the Jesuits have the most elaborate observatories in the world, with the most highly trained and intelligent minds to be had so, WHAT ARE THEY LOOKING FOR? Mary?   Mary who?   No, they know they have created this falsehood as the Scripture's teach she is dead in her grave awaiting the promise (first resurrection) just as David etc..
     Dear Reader,
    If this organization for which I so strongly accuse and stand in opposition to as did our Lord Jesus Christ; for which "THEY" called for His death decree; as they will yours as well.  How can they willingly AND knowingly submit to destroying (1/2) of their own beloved  followers? How could a (supposed) church of God (RC)  "plan" to destroy 5 1/2 billion people? The "GREAT CHASTISEMENT"//Georgia Guidestones.  This is "not" of God Dear Reader but of man under satan's wicked grievious lust-filled desires. This same Luciferean-Satanic blood-sacrificing system of Babylon//Nimrod is the very same system of the Mayans, Inca's, Druids, and every cult and secret society there has ever been, which continues Today right before your eyes, if you would only look.  Something is amiss and VERY wrong here. Please; seek the Lord Jesus Christ, and His Spirit of Truth will show you the truth in His Word.
    You will be able to see and understand without any man teaching you, holding power over you, claiming infallability over you, claiming to be able to save you; when they "CANNOT" even save themselves. Why "IS"  every Pope(god)?  so old? Get sick and die? Considering they claim to be immortal? What a sick and sad joke they have played on the people to continue instilling fear for the riches they receive. Indulgences, Just like purgatory, is nowhere in the bible. They cannot even save themselves; only Jesus can do that; not "ANY" man! Be not deceived! It is not what they are teaching you....it is not about Mary! When they name Jesus Christ OR God; they really are referring to the Pope(man)!  Again: Be "NOT" deceived!
       So; I  MUST, by THEIR words believe in accordance with what we are taught in Revelation Chapter's 8 and 16 it will be much more significant than just nuclear war; in fact: ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURE'S IN REVELATION 13 (MIRACLES)  which MUST be heavenly, I believe catacylsmic, (Lucifer Project) as they have stated there is  p-238 plutonium on Saturn; they have had 3 failed attempts to ignite 3 planets//asteroids already with this moon thing being the latest and most recent.
    I believe Obama ( FIRST-black-muslim) HAS BEEN CHOOSEN; like Ratzinger
    (Head of the Inquisition for 14 years), so it must be soon to pass, to play their part in bringing about Martial law//WW3 making the arabs//Iran their next target immediately after the next created (so called attack) against ameriKa.This as the means to destroy the Dome of the Rock and to set up THE "FINAL" ANTICHRIST, false messiah holy-bloodline dictator pope in God's Holy City Jerusalem. Matthew 24:15-22, and Daniel 11:45.
     Soon thereafter they shall declare him a direct bloodline lineage-desendant from the house of David and then, the Jews will swallow the lie. Now, not the Illuminati Zionist Masonic Jews; as their hand is already in this under the Jesuits, but the so-called bloodline jews, as will the world; because of the Marian Apparition//Saturn//Holy Bloodline; hook, line, and sinker. Earth's final 3 1/2 year-(Papal Crusade//Inquisition//Tribulation).                                                                    
    For more information:

  •    The Jesuit Superior General and the Pope

                Jesuit General and Benedict
              Aldolfo Nicholas

    GC mass35_Gesu

    Gesu_mass_II   Adolfo Nicholas-Jesuit General

    Gesu mass Kolvenbach GC35

                         Benedict and Nicholas                Adolfo_nicholas_004                               

       Nicholas and Kolvenbach2 Nicholas and Benedict



    For more information:






    Check out this short but excellent utube video of what Christianity really is and where it came from. After Constintine slaughtered the "TRUE" followers of YESHUA.












    Here are more lies they teach and what they "claim"

    It is proposed that the Roman Catholic citizen of the United States shall be carried along step by step, in the following process of training the duties of citizenship: he shall be brought to recognize his Church as the only custodian of God's law; that the Pope is infallible and therefore as the vicegerent of God, has plenary and sole power to interpret that law, and can not err in its interpretation; that he shall find his only "guide in the Church" in deciding whether he shall obey or disobey the civil laws of the state that the pope is the infallible representative of all truth in the world, and infallibly employs all the power and authority of the Church; that, as he can not err in any thing concerning faith and morals, he must, in their domain, be implicitly obeyed; that, as the pope is infallible as the chief instructor in doctrine and duty, his prelates are also infallible as his subordinate workers; that the pope as he shall speak through the mouths of these prelates, must be obeyed absolutely and uninquiringly - all his utterances being taken as the voice of God, coming directly from his throne in the heavens; and that infamy in this life and eternal damnation in that to come will be the inevitable doom of all who shall impiously reject these teachings.

    Therefore, the idea he intended to convey was this: that the religion which had received a "nets impulse" in the United States was that which taught the subordination of all civil governments to the Church and the Papacy! It was not the true religion which was exemplified in the life and example of Christ, and which has its foundation in charity and love; but that which places The Pope above all kingdoms and peoples, and requires every human being to pay him homage and fidelity.

    In the pastoral letter issued by this Council, the relation of the Roman Catholic Church to the government and laws of this country is discussed. There is a tone of ecclesiastical authority and command employed by its authors which tends to show an impression existing in their minds that they were addressing an papacy not accustomed to question their authority or controvert their propositions. Hence, they proceed, without indirection, to lay it down as an axiom in the science of all government, not to be disputed, that the civil power is never absolute or independent. Inasmuch as "all power is of God," there must exist some delegated authority upon earth, which, representing God, must constitute the tribunal of last resort. Upon this tribunal alone all absolute power is conferred, no matter what the form of government. If it be a monarchy, the king must be held in subjection to it; and if a democracy, the people must be taught that it is above them.

    Founding their theory of government upon this idea, they proceed to show how differently the principle operates in "the Catholic system" and in the Protestant system. In the latter, according to them, "the individual is the ultimate judge of what the law of God commands or forbids;" while in the former, "the Catholic has a guide in the Church, as a divine institution, which enables him to discriminate between what the law of God forbids or allows;" so that when the Church shall instruct him that any particular law of the state is contrary to God's law, he is thereby forbidden to pay obedience to it. According to the Protestant system, in their opinion, the state is exposed to disorder and anarchy, because the authority by which it is governed has no warrant for its character as divine. The reverse they insist to be the case in the "Catholic system;" and, therefore, because it has this divine authority in the Church and not in itself, "the state is bound to recognize" the Roman Catholic Church as the sole depository of the delegated power to decide what laws shall be obeyed and what disobeyed.

    The Second National Council of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy of the United States, the relation of the Roman Catholic Church to the government and laws of this country were discussed. There is a tone of ecclesiastical authority and command employed by its authors which tends to show an impression existing in their minds that they were addressing a papacy not accustomed to question their authority or controvert their propositions. Hence, they proceed, without indirection, to lay it down as an axiom in the science of all government, not to be disputed, that the civil power is never absolute or independent. Inasmuch as "all power is of God," there must exist some delegated authority upon earth, which, representing God, must constitute the tribunal of last resort. Upon this tribunal alone all absolute power is conferred, no matter what the form of government. If it be a monarchy, the king must be held in subjection to it; and if a democracy, the people must be taught that it is above them.


    Their Grand Design: "EXPOSED"!


    The Novus Ordo Seclorum


    The Real Global Agenda



    Setting the Luciferean Counterfeit Pope



    in Jerusalem !


    "Project: Vatican"



      Blueprint for "the Restoration" of the Global Kingdom of Jesus Christ


    Before you read this you "MUST" understand the deception posed here. Jesus Christ Himself stated openly His Kingdom was "NOT" of THIS World, Right? So, How can "man" restore what never was/ nor ever could be? Heaven AND Earth shall be cleansed by fire (2nd. Peter 3:10-13). When Christ returns he will have restored  it without "ANY" help from man!  "I go to prepare a place for you, SO WHERE I AM "YOU" may be also (John 14:1-3). He's not in Jerusalem is HE? (Study Revelation 20). The Earth shall be desolate( without a single human  being alive on this earth) for 1000 years! Thus keeping the 7000th year Sabbath. (Revelation 20 & Jeremiah 4:25-26.


     Blueprint For Catholic America


          I questioned Dr. Rivera about the briefings he received in the Vatican when he was a Jesuit priest. I asked him if he was briefed on how the Vatican planned to take over the United States. He told me his indoctrination went back to the time of the Pilgrims. Because of the knowledge of the Inquisition and the slaughter of Christians by the Roman Catholic system, the early immigrants in America began passing laws to keep Jesuits out of this country and to outlaw the mass...to protect themselves from a Vatican take-over. These were Christian communities deeply concerned about the Whore of Revelation.

          History verifies that there were three Jesuits that arrived in America(1633) aboard the Ark and the Dove as early as the second group of Pilgrims. They used different names with I.D.'s. They were followed years later when the Vatican sent multitudes of Catholic families from England, Ireland and France posing as Protestants, into the colonies. These were plants. They were holding secret masses in defiance of the laws. In those days, no Roman Catholic was to hold any position in civil government. The Jesuits made sure this part of our history was erased and removed. They came to ameriKa to create civil and religious liberties for Catholics; because it was outlawed in England and High Treason bringing forth death; as England had just declared herself Protestant. I have proof that mass was held 4 times during the signing of the "Declaration Of Independence". The Superior General Ricci staged his own death and the disolving of the Order, and came to ameriKa and met with Franklin, Lynch and Harrison on 14 December 1775 and also created the first colonies flag. Seek out "Rulers Of Evil by T. Saussy. 

          The next major move by the Jesuits was to destroy or control all the Christian schools across America (Roosevelt//40's). Throughout the years, Jesuits, working undercover, have gotten into special committees on school boards to remove the emphasis of the Bible and replace it with psychology/Jesuit theology, as found in the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius de Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit Society (1540). Later, Catholic schools and Universities sprang up all across the nation under the Jesuits. Today, they probably outnumber all the Christian schools and colleges put together. This is how the medical PROFESSion, Science, history, sports and every office of the Inquisition, law, police, judges;  came to be under the same watchful and trained eyes of the Jesuits.

          The third stage was to move into the courts and legislation, and branches of the judiciary to take over as judges and lawyers, in order to manipulate the Constitution in their favor until it could be changed. Once this was accomplished, the thrust was into politics to capture the political parties. Then the military and the newspapers. Even back in the times of Lincoln over half the newspapers in the United States were controlled by the Vatican.


    Project Vatican

    is dedicated to the "restoration" (bring back to it's "Original" splendor) of the Global Kingdom of Jesus Christ in the third millennium. The means by which this restoration is being accomplished are five-fold:                                   

    The Jesuit infiltration of the English colonies on the North American continent.


    Long before 1776 or even (13) years later when ameriKa became a nation in 1789 isn't it?

    Using forged papers and secret aliases, the Jesuits set up an underground network of political operatives that paved the way for the Vatican to send a second dispatch, this time consisting of multitudes of Roman Catholic families posing as Protestants. Gradually and unobtrusively, this underground network was able to infiltrate the civil governments at every level, therefore abolishing existing legal sanctions against Roman Catholicism.


    Jesuit control of Christian schools and universities.



    The Jesuit Underground was successful in infiltrating school boards, committees and associations for the purpose of gradually

    replacing the standards and applications of the Protestant Bible with the philosophy of the Spiritual Exercises of the Jesuit Society. This resulted in the Roman Catholic dominance of the American academic community.


    Roman Catholic control exercised though Vatican operatives in the United States military, judiciary and media.

    This was accomplished through the instigation of the Civil War. As Roman Catholic plants in both government and academia pushed both sides toward armed conflict, the demand for soldiers provided easy opportunity for the successful infiltration of both the Union and Confederate armies. Jesuit operatives were able to control the tactical maneuvers of both sides, thus ensuring minimal loss for Roman Catholic soldiers. As a result, key positions in both the judiciary and the press were ripe for penetration by the Vatican-controlled mercenaries at the end of the war.


    The weakening of the U.S. military, both in strength and resolve, in preparation for the Vatican-led One World Government.

    The Knights Of Columbus, pledged to bring America under Vatican rule, continually pressured U.S. Bishops to undermine the Nation's nuclear strategy in the second half of the 20th century. This precipitated the necessary shift in the paradigm of military strategists, officers and enlisted personnel from a mentality of world dominance to one of communal deference, a vital factor in the coming implementation of Phase V of Project Vatican.


    Total control of all institutions and resources on Planet Earth, including

    political, military, economic, educational, religious and environmental systems, for

    the purpose of ensuring global peace, prosperity and order.


    Phase I through Phase IV have taken 523 years to complete, and at the dawn of the third millennium Project Vatican is poised to launch Phase V. This will necessitate cooperation of the citizens of every nation on the planet, on a massive scale and in previously untested numbers. The remainder of this web site is devoted to the implementation strategies for Phase V of Project Vatican.

    Project Vatican

    is dedicated to the restoration of the Global Kingdom of Jesus Christ in the third millennium. The five-fold means by which this restoration is being accomplished are found in Introduction to Project Vatican. The remainder of this web site is devoted to the implementation strategies for Phase V of Project Vatican. Each of these strategies is in full effect, albeit for varying lengths of time. The execution of the first strategy listed below was begun almost 150 years ago, with each following strategy characterized by progressively later geneses; the last strategy began to be realized at the close of the 20th century.

    Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary through the perpetuation of visions, miracles and revelations.

    This was begun in 1854 with the private revelation of Sophie Prouvier on the devotion to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, the same year of the proclamation of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of Mary; the latter was reinforced in Lourdes, France in 1858 when Our Lady appeared to Bernadette Soubirous, and the former in 1868, when Pius IX indulgenced an invocation to the Eucharistic Heart. Since then, an unceasing procession of miracles and revelations (the most notable being the 1917 Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, the promulgation in 1925 of the Reign of Christ the King, the approval of the Divine Mercy Devotion in 1978 and the messages and miracles from Our Lady of Medjugorje from 1981 to the present) has kept the eye of Christendom fixed upon Rome and her guiding signal fire, the Vatican.


    Dilution of the eschatological models of Biblical prophesy by means of the aforementioned extrabiblical revelations.

    The last bastion of Protestantism will fall once the masses of uneducated Christian fundamentalists are no longer able to defend and promote their "last days" interpretations of the prophetic books of the Bible, due to the continuing modern-day revelations and miracles associated with the Church of Rome. With the removal of the so-called "papal threat" from the pulpits of Reformation congregations, the ecumenical movement implemented by Pope Paul VI at the Second Vatican Council will be able to proceed unfettered by hermeneutical separatism.

    The alignment of the homosexual agenda with religious and racial equality, guaranteeing a support base sufficient in number to legislate Biblical Christian fundamentalism into the category of "hate speech".

    Once this is accomplished, the Vatican will be free to overtly implement the Roman Catholic Ecumenical Assemblies (RCEA) as the only legally recognized religious assembly.

    This will pave the

    way for the arrest, incarceration and re-education of all clergy, as well as their family members, who are not in registered communion with the RCEA.

    International monopolistic control of all financial institutions and transactions.

    This began January 1, 1993 with the creation of the European Roman Empire (ERE). VISA Corporation is poised to label every citizen, upon request from the ERE, with identifying barcode technology. The current backlash against the paranoia of the religious right-wing in the United States and Canada has ensured a very liberal, relaxed attitude toward this imminent accounting system. Slated for the year 2001, this will enable the World Trade Organization (WTO) to require all governments operating under WTO agreements to join the ERE system in identifying all citizens and monetary transactions. Full global cooperation is expected, as it is anticipated that those governments refusing to cooperate with the WTO will, in effect, "comply by attrition".

    The Global Eucharistic Community.

    With the rampant materialism, environmental destruction and military instability of the capitalist systems fully extinguished through the controls set in place by the new global economy, the Vaticanbacked RCEA will be in position to compel international compliance to Eucharistic adoration and communion, ushering in the peace and prosperity inherent in the Kingship of Jesus Christ. The Global Eucharistic Community (GEC) was formally invoked by the Vatican on December 31, 1999, which will preside over the WTO, the GEC and the RCEA.

    Phase V Strategy 1

    Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary through the perpetuation of visions, miracles and revelations.

    This was begun in 1854 with the private revelation of Sophie Prouvier on the devotion to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, the same year of the proclamation of the doctrine of the Immaculate

    Conception of Mary; the latter was reinforced in Lourdes, France in 1858 when Our Lady appeared to Bernadette Soubirous, and the former in 1868, when Pius IX indulgenced an invocation to the Eucharistic Heart. Since then, an unceasing procession of miracles and revelations (the most notable being the 1917 Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, the promulgation in 1925 of the Reign of Christ the King, the approval of the Divine Mercy Devotion in 1978 and the messages and miracles from Our Lady of Medjugorje from 1981 to the present) has kept the eye of Christendom fixed upon Rome and her guiding signal fire, the Vatican.

    Core of Strategy 1

    The recurring theme of the Marian apparitions at Lourdes, Fatima, Garabandal, Akita and Medjugorje have been: an admonition to "stop offending God"; the importance of the Rosary; obedience to the Roman Catholic Church; the warning of three days of planetary darkness; and "the end of sin".

    What you can do....

    Pray five decades of the Rosary every day. Make reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the first Saturday of every month. Wear the brown scapular. Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Consecrate yourself to the Jesus King of All Nations Devotion. Encourage other Roman Catholics to do the same. Invite non-Catholics to RCEA-approved Ecumenical services, gatherings and events. Submit the names of prospective candidates for conversion to your RCEA representative.

    Phase V Strategy 2

    Dilution of the eschatological models of Biblical prophesy by means of the aforementioned extrabiblical revelations.

    The last bastion of Protestantism will fall once the masses of uneducated Christian fundamentalists are no longer able to defend and promote their "last days" interpretations of the prophetic books of the Bible, due to the continuing modern-day revelations

    and miracles associated with the Church of Rome. With the removal of the so-called "papal threat" from the pulpits of Reformation congregations, the ecumenical movement implemented by Pope Paul VI at the Second Vatican Council will be able to proceed unfettered by hermeneutical separatism.

    Core of Strategy 2

    Christian fundamentalism is fragmenting at an almost-daily rate, due to the practice of "multiplication by division" that is a recurring result of the constant analysis of eschatological minutia. Young fundamentalists, as well as so-called "Easter Sunday" Christians can easily conclude that the study of Biblical "end-times" prophesies are of negligible consequence, providing fertile soil for their indoctrination into the messages received through apparitions of Jesus and Mary.

    What you can do....

    Join in any debates, forums or discussions, formal or informal, for the purpose of promoting the

    preterist and/or spiritual interpretations of the book of Revelation. Circulate books, periodicals, audio and video tapes, web site URLs, etc. which promote the appearances and revelations of Jesus Christ or the Blessed Virgin. Report anyone who uses terms and buzzwords relating to 666, the mark of the beast, the Antichrist, the rapture, the tribulation or Armageddon to your RCEA representative.

    Phase V Strategy 3

    The alignment of the homosexual agenda with religious and racial equality, guaranteeing a support base sufficient in number to legislate Biblical Christian fundamentalism into the category of "hate speech".

    Once this is accomplished, the Vatican will be free to overtly implement the Roman Catholic Ecumenical Assemblies (RCEA) as the only legally recognized religious assembly. This will pave the way for the arrest, incarceration and re-education of all clergy, as well as their family members, who are not in communion with the RCEA.

    Core of Strategy 3 ....READ THIS......

    The Protestants' lack of agoverning authorityhas resulted in (a sheep-like obedience to civil governments). Such social compliance, coupled with capitalistic greed has made Christian fundamentalists, for the most part, extremely vulnerable to social engineering. Churches that once preached racial segregation now advertise their multicultural diversity as an asset, and that paradigm shift has laid the groundwork for the acceptance of gays and lesbians into the evangelical Christian communities. Such passive desire for public legitimacy will further the cause of the RCEA, which, in its eighth year, has surreptitiously signed concordants with 91% of the world's organized denominations. The international interdictment against all non-RCEA religious organizations is slated for June 2001.

    What you can do....

    Attend non-Catholic churches that are not yet RCEA affiliates for the purpose of encouraging their ministers to join the RCEA. Make audio recordings of their responses, and deliver these

    recordings to your RCEA representative. Report all statements by non-Catholics of a racially-biased, homophobic or anti-Catholic nature to your RCEA representative.

    Phase V Strategy 4

    International monopolistic control of all financial institutions and transactions.

    This began January 1, 1993 with the creation of the European Roman Empire (ERE). VISA Corporation is poised to label every citizen, upon request from the ERE, with identifying barcode technology. The backlash against the paranoia of the religious rightwing in the United States and Canada has ensured a very liberal, relaxed attitude toward this imminent accounting system. Slated for the year 2001, this will enable the World Trade Organization (WTO) to require all governments operating under WTO agreements to join the ERE system in identifying all citizens and monetary transactions. Full global cooperation is expected, as it is anticipated that

    those governments refusing to cooperate with the WTO will, in effect, "comply by attrition".

    Core of Strategy 4

    Since the fall of the Roman Empire, there has been the dream of a unified Europe. We are seeing a brand new Roman Empire reconstructed. The European Community has utilized an identification mark in cooperation with VISA Corporation.

    VI is 6 in Roman numerals, S was 6 in ancient Egypt and A was 6 in Sanskrit; a "hide in plain sight" strategy has resulted in the choice by VISA Corporation and the ERE of the number 666 in the implementation of this citizen accounting system.

    What you can do.....

    Wherever possible, purchase all goods and services with your VISA card. Refuse to transact with merchants and vendors who do not accept VISA. Contact your Senators and Representatives and encourage them to support the policies of the WTO. Contribute generously to those in Congress whose voting records reflect the agenda of the WTO. Publicly dismiss anyone who uses terms and

    buzzwords relating to 666, the mark of the beast, the Antichrist, the rapture, the tribulation or Armageddon as disseminators of paranoid militant theocentrism. Report all theocentrists to your RCEA representative.

    Phase V Strategy 5

    The Global Eucharistic Community.

    With the rampant materialism, environmental destruction and military instability of the capitalist systems fully extinguished through the controls set in place by the new global economy, the Vaticanbacked RCEA will be in position to compel international compliance to Eucharistic adoration and communion, ushering in the peace and prosperity inherent in the Kingship of Jesus Christ. The Global Eucharistic Community (GEC) was formally invoked by the Vatican on December 31, 1999, which will preside over the WTO, the GEC and the RCEA.

    Core of Strategy 5

    "The bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world ... I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty ... Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh ... Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day; for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like that which your ancestors ate, and they died. But the one who eats this bread will live

    forever." - Jesus Christ, as quoted in Chapter 6 of the Gospel of John (New Revised Standard Version)

    What you can do....

    Apply for citizenship in the GEC, and encourage other Roman Catholics to do the same. Participate in Eucharistic Adoration at your local parish or retreat. Attend confession and Mass at least once a week. Join in any debates, forums or discussions, formal or informal, for the purpose of promoting the literal interpretation of John chapter 6. Circulate books, periodicals, audio and video tapes, web site URLs, etc. which promote the celebration of the Mass and the worship of the Eucharistic body and blood of Jesus Christ. Report anyone who misaligns or defames the Eucharist, the Mass or the Roman Catholic liturgy to your RCEA representative.



    For more information:





    P. O. BOX 1465

    MURPHY, N.C. 28906

    1 828 494 9368

  •  The Imminent AND "GREAT" Chastisement



    The Imminent Chastisement for Not Fulfilling Our Lady’s Request

    By Father Paul Kramer, B.Ph., S.T.B., M.Div., S.T.L. (Cand.)

    The following is an edited transcript of a speech given at the Ambassadors of Jesus and Mary Seminar in Glendale, California, September 24, 2004.  This is what they teach "their" followers and because they believe that they cannot understand the bible by themselves, they superstitously and blindly follow and ASSUME  all to be truth from the mouth of the whore of babylon, never searching themselves so the blind lead the blind and both shall fall in the ditch. The bible plainly teaches that Mary is in her grave awaiting the first resurrection and "NOT" in heaven. She is not deified, for there are only 2 thrones in the kingdom Of God. The Father's and the Lord Jesus Christ's.


           How often we hear the questions, in the context of all the confusion in the Church, the troubles in the world, "What is it leading to? Where will it end?" We know exactly where it’s going to end, because Our Lady of Fatima said, "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph ." What is going to bring about that triumph were the words that followed, "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph, the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, Russia will be converted, and a period of peace(short space-3 1/2 year tribulation/the abomination that desolates) will be given to the world."  "(This is when the pope sets up in Jerusalem)! (Daniel 11:45)

           Unanimously, those who have spoken prophetically, and the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, tell us that there will be a"great chastisement" of the world. All of the most certain prophecies and apparitions tell us that it will be at the time when wickedness, when evil, seem to be triumphant, when all appears to be lost; as Our Lady said in Quito, Ecuador in 1634.

    "My Time Will Come"

           She says "Then My time will come." The Miracle of Grace(3 1/2 year tribulation-the short space)! will break out upon the world. Evil will be destroyed, wickedness will be conquered. (all who do not worship the Pontifex Maximus) LOOK BELOW FOR THEIR REFERENCE OF WHAT "EVIL" IS! And it is all set forth in the Message of Fatima, in the Secret of Fatima, and most importantly in the third part of the Secret that is commonly called the Third Secret of Fatima.

           Our Lady said if people are going to continue to sin against God, then the world "is going to be chastised". The very first request Our Lady made, was that people stop sinning against God, because God is already too much offended.

    Why do you not obey My requests given to you through My holy Mother at Fatima?

    "Our Lord is Already Too Much Offended"

           People must stop offending God. If they stop offending God, He will have mercy, and He will give peace; but if they don’t stop offending God, if humanity persists in its crimes, then God is going to punish the world: with war, hunger, and persecution against the Church. So the grace that will bring about the Consecration of Russia, and the conversion of Russia, will be given if enough people do penance, and bring about the conversion of sinners.

           And if people stop sinning against God, and only then, will the grace be given. But as humanity sinks deeper and deeper into sinfulness, and the rebellion against God becomes general, then God is going to withhold the efficacious grace for the Consecration of Russia to bring about the conversion of Russia, and the world is going to be chastised. The very substance of that chastisement is set forth in the Third Secret of Fatima.

           What is the Third Secret of Fatima? Well we know from the text of the first two parts of the Secret, Our Lady said to the children "You have seen hell, where the souls of poor sinners go." And She went on to explain what is God’s plan — to save sinners from going to hell. And the way to bring that about is through "the establishment of the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary".

    To Save Sinners

           In order for that to be brought about, Our Lady wants the devotion of the Five First Saturdays, and She wants the Consecration of Russia. Let the Pope, together with all the bishops of the world, each one in his own Cathedral, consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She said that by this means Russia will be saved, Russia will be converted, and peace will be given to the world. There is the unanimity of all the prophets and the prophecies of the saints down through the ages.

           That wickedness ("ALL" who do not worship the pope and roman catholocism)!!!!! will be crushed, God will triumph in the glory of His Holy Mother and in the glories of the traditions of the Church, which will be fully restored in the splendor such as has never been before in the history of the Church. This will be the time of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As Our Lady said, when things appear to be totally lost, when it appears that wickedness is triumphant, "that will be when My time has come, then My time will come."

    The Great Chastisement — Soon!

           In the Third Secret we have in some very cut and dry detail, exactly what will be the nature of that Great Chastisement. Like the hurricane before the full force strikes, at first the blue, sunny sky starts to get filled with clouds, and the wind gets stronger and the weather becomes inclement. We must not mistake those very earliest beginnings of the chastisement for what will be the substance of that great disaster, that great tempest in history, foretold by Pope Pius XII in the year 1945.

           Pope Pius XII said, and this is just after the world had undergone the horrors of the Second World War, and people were yearning for peace: "The world must soon undergo suffering such as never existed in the history of the world. Soon the human race must undergo the worst suffering that there has ever been."  This is the substance of the Third Secret of Fatima.

           Pope John Paul II, at the Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia in 1976, when he was not yet Pope — he was still Cardinal Wojtyla — he spoke about that chastisement, that which is the substance of the Third Secret of Fatima. And he said that the Church must undergo a great trial, it will be the struggle between the Church(Roman Catholic) and the anti-Church; (all the world that is not adjoined to Traditional Catholocism)  the Gospel (Catholocism)and the anti-Gospel. (Christianity)

           And shortly after he was elected Pope in 1981, he returned to that same theme, and this time he spoke explicitly of this being the substance of the Message of Fatima, the Secret of Fatima. And he reiterated that the Church must soon undergo great trials.

    Are They Lying to Us?

           So what is in the Third Secret of Fatima? On the twenty-sixth of June, 2000, five years ago, the Vatican published a vision which they claimed was the entire Third Secret of Fatima. I was talking with a Brazilian Bishop, and he asked me, "Well if there’s more to the Third Secret than the vision, are they lying to us, because they said that was the whole Third Secret?" I answered, "Cardinal Ratzinger is using a mental reservation. The entire Secret is implicitly contained in that vision. In that sense, in that very restricted sense, it is the whole Secret."

           But the Third Secret properly, so called, is not that vision — that pertains to the Secret — it is part of the Secret, but the Secret consists of Our Lady’s words. As Father Valinho, the nephew of Sister Lucy, pointed out, that phrase "in Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved, etc." is where the Third Secret begins.

           The Vatican issued an anonymous press release in 1960 concerning the Third Secret, after Pope John XXIII had opened the envelope containing the Secret and read the single page, which contained the words of Our Lady of Fatima. The press release stated that the Secret may never be revealed, and referred to it specifically as "the words which Our Lady confided as a secret to the three little shepherds." This is the key expression, "the words which Our Lady confided." It is a letter of one single page that contains the words of Our Lady.

    Proof: "Truly That Was Not All of It"

           What was revealed on June 26, 2000, was four pages of Sister Lucy describing a vision. It was not the words of Our Lady. It is such a well known fact that the Secret is divided into three parts, and we have the text of the first two parts. And therefore, where that text ends, in mid-sentence, with the "etc.", that’s where the Third Secret begins. It’s a matter of common sense, one does not have to be a philologist, and get into a great deal of analysis of textual criticism, to reach the conclusion that this is where the Second part of the Secret ends, and the Third part begins.

           But there is really no doubt about it. On the 2nd of September, 1952, when Father Schweigl had been sent personally by Pope Pius XII to Coimbra, to interview Sister Lucy on the Third Secret, he spoke personally with Sister Lucy, authorized by the Pope to do so. He returned to Rome and at the Russicum, where he lived, he told his confreres, when they asked him about the Third Secret of Fatima: "I cannot reveal anything of what I learned at Fatima concerning the third secret, but I can say that it has two parts: one concerns the Pope. The other, logically — although I must say nothing — would have to be the continuation of the words: In Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved."

           So it is a quite certainly established fact that the words of Our Lady of Fatima continue after that "etc." And in the memoir of Sister Lucy, after that "etc." she puts in parenthesis the words, "Here begins the third part of the Secret".

           Those who have studied Fatima know that what was published five years ago, on the 26th of June, is not the whole Secret; it simply is not. The night before, I should say the early morning of the 26th of June, I went to bed; I left the instruction: it doesn’t matter how early it is, as soon as that Secret is published, bring it to me — wake me up if you have to.

           The Secret was brought to me, I looked at it, and the first thing I said is, "This is not the Secret!" I was not alone in making that judgment. A seminary professor, who is a close friend of Pope John Paul II, and who also knows personally Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, has the same impression — this is not the Third Secret.

           It cannot be.

           And so when he went to the Vatican, he visited Cardinal Ratzinger, and he confronted him. He did not mince his words. He said, "This is impossible! This can- not possibly be the entire Third Secret!" And he insisted that Ratzinger answer him yes or no. "Is this the whole thing? Is this the whole thing, or isn’t it? It cannot be; now you tell me!" Ratzinger admitted "Truly, that was not all of it."

    The Third Secret is About Vatican II

           This professor is a priest that I know personally, and a number of people that I know, know this priest personally. He pressed on further for an answer, he would not back off. And he demanded, "What is in the Secret? If that’s not all of it, well, what is there?" Ratzinger’s answer makes it clear. There’s no longer any mystery why they have kept it hidden for so many years. And why the Vatican officials, during the pontificate of Pope John XXIII, said in their press release that, "It may never be published," it may not ever be released. Ratzinger said that in the Third Secret, Our Lady warns that there will be an evil council. And She warned against the changes: She warned against making changes in the liturgy; changes in the Mass. This is explicitly set forth in the Third Secret.

           However, men like Cardinal Ratzinger believe that the word of the "Second Vatican Council is equivalent to the word of God". They cannot believe that there was any evil in the Council. And so they choose not to believe the Message of Fatima. And this is why Cardinal Ratzinger made a suggestion that the apparition of the Lady of Fatima is something conjured up in the imagination of Sister Lucy.

           The book, The Message of Fatima, published on June 26, 2000, contains that explanation of Cardinal Ratzinger, citing the anti-Fatima modernist Father Edouard Dhanis; the man who had such a bias against Fatima that he refused to go to Portugal and examine the facts, because his mind was already made up against the apparitions. Ratzinger is of that opinion, and he says as much, that these apparitions were something that were conjured up in the imagination of Sister Lucy, based on what she, earlier in her life, had encountered in reading pious books.

           My question to Cardinal Ratzinger is, how did the imagination of what she’d read in pious books conjure up the great Miracle of the Sun? How did the release of energy, so great, like the energy equivalent of a nuclear weapon, turn ankle deep mud into dry land in twelve minutes? How could Sister Lucy’s childhood imagination conjure up this miracle?

    Vatican II: A Non-Infallible Council

           There is so much confusion about the Second Vatican Council. I remember reading in The Wanderer an absolutely incredible article which gave an absolutely ludicrous doctrinal explanation that "everything in the Second Vatican Council that relates to the Doctrine of the Faith is set forth infallibly". And the authority that they quote is "the Catholic Encyclopedia"! Of course the quotation of the Catholic Encyclopedia is entirely out of context.

           The Catholic Encyclopedia, of course, rightly stated that when Councils teach on dogma, they teach infallibly. But that is because the very purpose of a Council is to define doctrine. All the previous Councils defined doctrine. That is what is infallible about a Council: when it defines doctrine. If the Pope is present, he proclaims the definition infallibly and solemnly, so that there is no doubt. If he is not present, if he ratifies it later on, with that solemn declaration, that makes the Council infallible.

           Even the Second Vatican Council itself makes a clear distinction between infallible teaching and non-infallible teaching. And so when an ecumenical Council is convoked and the bishops of the world gather together and make pronouncements on doctrine, if they do not define, then the act itself is not an infallible act. The teaching set forth may be infallible. For example, if it is already the definitive teaching of the universal and ordinary Magisterium of the Church, then the very substance of what it is teaching is already infallible. But it is not an infallible act, in and of itself.

           The mere fact that a Council makes a pronouncement on doctrine does not make that statement infallible. The Council must infallibly proclaim dogma with a solemn definition. If it is not defined, it is not an infallible act. It is a very simple matter, and that is the teaching of the Church. There are grave errors in the Second Vatican Council. The teaching on ecumenism, strictly speaking, is heretical. (See The Fatima Crusader Issue No. 79, "Errors of Ecumenism".)

    The Heresy of Ecumenism

           Pope St. Pius V teaches in his Catechism, the Roman Catechism — also known as the Catechism of the Council of Trent (TRADITIONAL CATHOLOCISM)— that all of the Protestant religions are false religions, they’re inspired by the devil; and therefore their fruits are evil. The Decree on Ecumenism in the Second Vatican Council says that God uses those churches and Ecclesial Communities, that, as such, He uses them as means of salvation.

           Now the teaching of The Church, the Catholic Faith, is very clear that the means of salvation are the Sacraments of the Holy Catholic Church. Along with this is the teaching, the Deposit of Faith, that is set forth by the Church, and the Church’s Magisterium, the divine revelation. It is the Catholic faith, (Religion) it is the practice of the Catholic faith,(religion) it is the seven Catholic Sacraments, that are the means of salvation. "These alone".

           The Protestant religions, as such, are inspired by the devil, as Pope St. Pius V teaches in his catechism. The new religion  of Vatican II says that those diabolically inspired sects are used by God as means of salvation. And yet The Wanderer would have you believe that every doctrinal pronouncement of the Second Vatican Council is infallible. The Council of Trent and Vatican II cannot both be right! You have diametrically opposed teachings. Only one can be true, the other is false.

           In the Second Vatican Council we see that all of the non-Catholic and non-Christian religions are described as being good. In the Conciliar church (i.e. not the Catholic Church of all time) "all" religions are considered to be good, and true. According to the Conciliar church, they suffer the misfortune of having some errors, and there are some evils mixed in with the good, but they are good, and they are true.

           That’s the false doctrine of the new ecumenical church —the Roman Protestant conciliar ecumenical church. The Roman Catholic Church has always had a different teaching: there is only "one true religion". There is only "one true Church". There is only "one true Faith", and it is Catholic! All other religions are false religions.  All other churches are false churches. That hasalways been the teaching and the Faith of the Catholic Church.

           So here we see, already, the beginnings of what is going to become the greatest heresy in the history of the Church — that will bring about the greatest suffering that the world has ever seen, as was told by Pope Pius XII.

    A Pope Under the Control of Satan?

           Malachi Martin, in his last interview on the Art Bell Show, spoke of an "Anti-Pope"(The last 5 have been Luciferean Satanists) and not  even Roman Catholic!. There was a caller calling in from Australia, and he said that a Jesuit had revealed to him that in the Third Secret it is revealed that there will be, as it were, a pope who was entirely in the control of the devil. Malachi answered, "that sounds like the verbatim words of the Secret."

    " It's all been pre-planned" folks!

           Pope St. Pius X said he had a vision, and he saw in the vision his successor fleeing over the dead bodies of his brethren, and that this Pope would have to go into exile. He would go into hiding, he would have to wear a disguise to conceal his identity. He would live in retirement, but then he would be discovered, and he would suffer a cruel death.

           I think we can safely conclude that these prophecies may be fulfilled in this Pontificate of Benedict XVI. One reason why I believe this, is because I personally knew the Roman Stigmatist, Antonio Ruffini. I knew him for almost 20 years. He received the visible stigmata in 1955, and he was so highly esteemed by Pope Pius XII, that Pius XII authorized the construction of a chapel on the spot where Ruffini had received the stigmata.

           I asked Ruffini point-blank, "What about the Consecration of Russia? Will it be Pope John Paul II who consecrates Russia?" And Ruffini answered, "No, it will not be John Paul II. It will not be the Pope immediately after him. But the one after that, he is the one who will consecrate Russia."                                           ...This will be the LAST Pope...

           That leaves between John Paul II and his second successor, only one pontificate in-between. He may be the Pope of the Chastisement, the one that Pope Pius X saw in the vision. As Our Lady, in one of Her apparitions, said, "Rome will undergo a great revolution". That’s when there will be the slaughter, the massacre in the Vatican. And the Pope will flee Rome in disguise.

    "The False Church of Darkness"

           This is what Our Lady meant when She said that the Holy Father would be persecuted; the Church would be persecuted. Anne Catherine Emmerich, the stigmatic Augustinian nun, described the counterfeit church, what she called the "False church of darkness". The errors of Orthodoxy and of Protestantism will be embraced by that false church, it will be an ecumenical church because the Anti-Pope will be recognized by the world — not by the faithful, but by the world — by the secular world and the secular governments.

           The Anti-Pope will be recognized as the legitimate Pope of the "church," and the legitimate head of the Vatican State. That "church" will be united with all the false religions. They will be united together under the universality of the Masonic umbrella(having been created by the Jesuits) for this VERY PURPOSE! In that motley ecumenical union will be the established religion of the so-called civilized world. This is how we will get into the time of great persecution such as the world has never seen.

    Persecution Like Never Before

           In the name of the "civilization of love," in the name of "unity," in the name of Vatican II, the true Faith(Protestantism) will be outlawed, only the legally established religion (Roman Catholocism) will be tolerated. It doesn’t take a great deal of imagination to see what’s going to happen as a result of this. Just look at the Reformation in England and Ireland. The most horrific, brutal tortures and executions were carried out against (NON-traditional) Catholics, MORESO (against Protestants)! Jesuit dialect!

           The Protestants, when they were caught, were hanged, drawn and quartered.

           The Priests used the faithful protestants as an object of amusement. They would tie a piece of linen on the head, and ignite it on fire. And when the person would try to remove the burning piece of linen, he would rip and tear off his own scalp. This was a way of not so gently encouraging protestants to give it up, and become Catholic.

           The terminology, the vocabulary, is already there. As I say, nothing is going to be left to our imagination as to how that persecution is going to take place. The non-conformists, the recusants who don’t accept the established religion; (RC) what kind of treatment will they get?        

           The Catholics owned all the land, and they had various crops and farm animals and livestock. But the Protestants Catholics had nothing but potatoes, and when the blight struck, no effort was made to save them from starvation. See, it's the "Protestor's" against Rome who have it all" (according to them). BUT, what about the "INQUISITION?????? and "ALL"" the other genocide's they have committed against the "(PROTESTANTS)" ?  THIS IS THE JESUITS ROMISH  DECEPTION UNTO THE WORLD. THEIR "GREAT" SMOKESCREEN!   It's the Jews!   During the Crusades why did the Crusaders kill EVERY Jew they came across??? i guess all the (crusaders) were Jewish? Yeah right. Wake up!

           The British Empire sought a legal solution for the citizens of the Empire, so that everyone would have his proper citizenship in the various colonies and lands that became part of the Commonwealth. With one conspicuous exception: the Irish were left stateless. They lost their British status, which made it more difficult for them to emigrate.

           Wait until martial law is declared in this country. And wait until a non-Catholic religion becomes the established religion, when our constitutional religious liberty is going to be abolished. When there is an established church, then there is going to be penal laws. And that’s when we’re going to find out what persecution of the Church is all about. Then there is going to be suffering like there has never been in the history of the world. Scripture teaches it "IS" from Rome!  City on 7 hills!  ( Matthew 24:15// Daniel 11:45 )

    Russia Will Attack

           It is commonly believed that there was the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, and that since then, the Cold War is over. But lately, even the Wall Street Journal pointed out that there is now a new Cold War. Russia is preparing for war against the West.

           A year ago, when I visited Russia, I was reading the publications in Russia, and the Russian political analysts themselves admitted that they are planning to make war against the West. What is the reason for this? They’re explaining that the United States is aggressively moving into Central Asia and the Middle East. The Russian leaders are very worried that they are going to be encircled. They say the Americans claim they are only going to be there temporarily, but then they’re going to stay, and we (the Russians) are the ones who are going to be forced out.

    American Military Plans

           It is commonly stated that the attacks for the conquest of Afghanistan and the conquest of Iraq were a response to the acts of foreign terrorists; yet the conquest of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran had been planned long in advance, long before September 11, 2001.

           As the old saying goes, Veribus scriptum manent — the written word is permanent.

           There are documents outlining what will be the foreign policy of the immediate and near future, written back in the 1990’s. And these documents call for the conquest of those countries because the Masonic government (which is the secret government within the government) wishes to establish in the world (as Bush the First said, on September 11, 1991, we wish to establish in the world) the New World Order. This was clearly established LONG before; the "Great Seal" verifies this(back of the dollar bill)

    ~The New World Order~

           The New World Order is entirely Masonic, and its religion is Masonic. You look on the one dollar bill, and you see the expression, "In God We Trust". You look to the left of that expression, and you see which god they’re talking about. You see the pyramid, the Egyptian pyramid, the triangle(pyramid) and the all-seeing  eye of HORUS.... And you see, as it were, rays of sunlight emanating from that triangle. The Jesuits used Freemasonry as it vehicle to launch it's global intentions! England had just declared herself "Protestant" and  Rome needed a place to launch her attack from, thus, the founding of Amerika! Proof of this from their own mouth in 1633.

           George Bush I referred to a thousand points of light. A thousand points of light, this is Masonic light, the light of the Solar Deity of Masonry, the Pagan Egyptian Solar Deity. As Albert Pike says in his Morals and Dogma of Freemasonry, "Lucifer the Light Bearer. Doubt it not." That’s who they mean when they say, "In God We Trust".

           In the name of combating terrorism, they will fully implement martial law, which is coming in stages. In the U.S. Constitution, the liberties of the Constitution have already been greatly nullified. Then, those who are defined as "religious fanatics" will be removed from their homes and will be sent into camps. I already spoke about this in 1989 — the "Executive Orders", enacted by George Bush I, authorizing the government, in a state of emergency, to confiscate all property, all vehicles, and to round up the civilians and send them into camps (FEMA). By Executive Order they were given the force of law. This will be the persecution of the Church in North America. And there will be the war.

    World War III

           Unanimously, in all the prophecies of the saints down through the ages, and in the most secure and certain apparitions of Our Lady, it is revealed that there is going to be a tremendous great World War.

           It will break out suddenly, from East to West. Our Lady said to Sister Elena Aiello, "Russia will attack America with secret armies." The Russians already have an army of Special Forces and Arab terrorists that they have trained, along with the Communist Red Chinese. They have a vast army, secret armies, who are waiting for the day when the signal is given, then they will all erupt together and make chaos in the West, and in the United States, and all over North America. and the Mexicans being brought into this nation "WILL" be your inquisitors! MEXICAN, AMERIKAN, CANADIAN SUPER HIGHWAY AS WELL AS ISLAM..... ALL  HAVING BEEN /// BEING USED BY THE ORDER TO SUBVERT THE MASSES....

           And they will attack Europe. In the morning it will appear that the world is at peace. By the evening, the entire world will be plunged into war. Our Lady said, "If people do not convert (if they do not turn away from their sins), the world is going to be punished with war, hunger, persecution of the Church and persecution of  the Holy Father". I think we already have some idea of the scenario that is going to take place in that time of war, hunger, persecution against the Church, and persecution against the Pope.

           Our Lady has said, along with the prophecies of many of the saints and other holy individuals who died with the reputation of great sanctity, "It will appear that evil is triumphant". And that is when the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will begin. Ratzinger will soon be CLAIMED to have been murdered! Then the final Pope(BLACK)??????  shall be set up as a direct bloodline descendant of Jesus. Mary appearing unto the whole world will declare that the "ONLY" reconcilliation unto the Father will be to set the Pope up in God's Holy City (Jerusalem)! The place Christ went to prepare for us is not on this Earth nor shall it EVER be. (Be not deceived)!

    Russia Converted, will Overcome God’s Enemies

           Every excuse is made not to consecrate Russia. They’re saying we cannot consecrate Russia because that will provoke persecution of the Church. The Church is already persecuted in Russia. But Our Lady didn’t say that the Consecration is going to bring about persecution of the Church, She said it’s going to bring about the conversion of Russia. When Russia is converted, it will stop persecuting the Church. This is bull!  The people who ADJOIN TO  CATHOLOCISM under the guise of peace and safety' will then, just as during the Inquisition still be murdered, butchered, by the guilitines //Islam//Mexican R.C.   MANY, MANY will be killed!  Revelation 6:


    And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:


    And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?


    And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.


           Not only that, when Russia is converted (and Russia is still to this very day the greatest military super-power on earth), THIS IS A LIE. ***"AmeriKa"*** IS  the militant arm of Rome founded by the Jesuits (Revelation 13:11-18) who used Freemasonry//Lucifereanism against the world!  Catholic Tradition will be enforced thru the force of the most powerful military super-power that the world has ever seen (AMERIKA)! The Russian Orthodox people are very staunchly traditionalist. Today they fear the Roman Church because they have seen the Vatican II Protestant revolution in the Church. They have seen how the Church has been largely destroyed, subverted and corrupted. That they should allow this to happen to their traditions, such a thought is intolerable.

           When I was in Russia, a very highly educated Muscovite explained to me: in Russia, if you were to just change the wording of a prayer in the Liturgy, that would be considered tantamount to heresy. The Orthodox faithful would rebel against that, they would reject such changes. But they have seen that in the Roman Church, there was very little resistance to changes, to the protestantizing changes that are leading the Church into the great apostasy foretold in Sacred Scripture, foretold also in the Third Secret of Fatima.

           But with the conversion of Russia, traditional Orthodox Russia will become traditional Catholic Russia. And that will be the driving spiritual force that will crush the New World Order.

    Fear Not

           The world is about to be plunged into a tremendous war, Pius XII said, "The world must soon undergo suffering such as there has never been in the history of the world." The devil is the author of all the evil: the war, the suffering, the hunger, the starvation, the persecution against the Church, that is carried out through his minions the Masons; who are UNDER  the Jesuits who made a secret pact with the Vatican to re-establish the Pope's lost temporal power!    FREEMASONRY IS IT'S MAIN VEHICLE  BUT, JUST ONE OF THE MANY TENTACLES OF THE Illuminati OCTOPUS  SMOKESCREEN.

           They (Jesuits) are the ones who are behind the attacks, so that they could destroy our nation and turn it into a fascist republic, to a fascist dictatorship, to be the center of a world republic, or so they think, with an established Masonic religion (Roman Catholocism) which in true reality isBabylonion Mystery Religion straight from Babel! spread over the entire world, so that Lucifer will be worshiped, and Jesus Christ will be blasphemed. That is their plan.

           But Our Lord Jesus Christ said, "Fear not, I have conquered the world! The prince of this world has been cast from his throne!" Let us remember that Christ is the Eternal King, the Lord of lords, and the King of kings. And the Almighty Father said, "Thou art My Son, this day I have begotten You. It is I who have placed the scepter in Your hand, and You will rule the nations." It is Christ Who is the King, and so Our Lady came to remind us.

           It is through her that He (Christ) will triumph? (THIS IS BLASPHEMY)!  THIS IS WHAT THE DA- VINCI CODE IS ALL ABOUT; as are all the other falsehoods exalting M A R Y !  (who "is" dead and in her grave) Ecc. 9:3, 5, 10,  Daniel 12:2  "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me. Russia will be converted, and a period of peace will be given to the world. Christ said there would be NO peace UNTIL HE returns and takes us to His Kingdom! Our Lady said, "When everything appears to be lost and evil is triumphant, then will come My time."

           By means of Her triumph, (The meaning of "her triumph") is: the Catholic Church, the Catholic Faith will triumph throughout the whole world. The whole world will profess and with open arms usher in The "FINAL" (Antichrist) pope as god!

    Revelation 13:3 

    And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

        and sing out, Christus Vincit, Christus Regnat, Christus Imperat. Christ has overcome, Christ rules, Christ reigns.   But the Scriptures teach us that immediately after the 3 1/2 year tribulation,(1260 days, forty and two months, time, times, and the dividing of time) that Jesus then shall come(Second Coming)!  IMMEDIATELY after... (Daniel 12:6-7)

     Daniel 12:


    Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.


    And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate Matthew 24:15-22//(Daniel 11:45), Daniel 12:1, II Thes. 2: 3-4 (Pope set up in Jerusalem), there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
    Dan 9:27 Matt 24:15 Mark 13:14


    Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.  (1335 minus 1260) =

  • The Doctrine of the Nicolaitanes

    Revelation 2:15, "So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate."

    In the Ephesian Age,  the word, Nicolaitane, comes from two Greek words: Nikao which means to conquer, and Lao which means the laity. Nicolaitane means, "to conquer the laity." Now why is this such a terrible thing? It is terrible because God has never placed His church in the hands of an elected leadership which moves with political mindedness. He has placed His church in the care of God- ordained, Spirit-filled, Word-living men who lead the people through feeding them the Word. He has not separated the people into classes so that the masses are led by a holy priesthood. It is true that the leadership must be holy, but then so must be the whole congregation. Further, there is no place in the Word where priests or ministers or such mediate between God and the people, nor is there a place where they are separated in their worship of the Lord.

    God wants all to love and serve Him together. Nicolaitanism destroys those precepts and instead separates the ministers from the people and makes the leaders overlords instead of servants. Now this doctrine actually started as a deed in the first age. It appears that the problem lay in two words: "elders" (presbyters) and "overseers" (bishops). Though Scripture shows that there are several elders in each church, some began (Ignatius among them) to teach that the idea of a bishop was one of preeminence or authority and CONtrol over the elders. Now the truth of the matter is the word "elder" signifies who the person is, while the word "bishop" signifies the office of the same man. The elder is the man. Bishop is the office of the man. "Elder" always has and always will refer simply to a man's chronological age in the Lord. He is an elder, not because he is elected or ordained, etc., but because he IS OLDER. He is more seasoned, trained, not a novice, reliable because of experience and long standing proof of his Christian experience. But no, the bishops did not stick to the epistles of Paul, but rather they went to Paul's account of the time he called the elders from Ephesus to Miletus in Acts 20.

    In verse 17 the record states, "elders" were called and then in verse 28 they are called overseers (bishops). And these bishops, (no doubt political minded and anxious for power) insisted that Paul had given the meaning that "overseers" were more than the local elder with official capacity only in his own church. To them a bishop was now one with extended authority over many local leaders. Such a concept was neither Scriptural nor historical, yet even a man of the stature of Polycarp leaned toward such organization. Thus, that which started as a deed in the first age was made a literal doctrine and so it is today.

    Bishops still claim power to control men and deal with them as they desire, placing them where they so will in the ministry. This denies the leadership of the Holy Ghost Who said, "Separate Me Paul and Barnabas for the work whereunto I have called them." This is anti-Word and anti-Christ. Matthew 20:25-28, "But Jesus called them unto Him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you; but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; and whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many." Matthew 23:8-9, "But be not ye called Rabbi: for One is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth: for One is your Father, Which is in heaven."

    In order to clarify this even more, let me explain Nicolaitanism in this way. You recall that in Revelation 13:3 it says, "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death: and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast." Now we know that the wounded head was the pagan Roman Empire, that great political world power. This head rose again as the "Roman Catholic spiritual empire." Now watch this carefully. What did political pagan Rome do that was the basis of her success? She, "divided and conquered." (Satan's doctrine)That was the seed of Rome — divide and conquer. Her iron teeth tore and devoured. Whom she tore and devoured could not rise again as when she destroyed Carthage and sowed her to salt. The same iron seed remained in her when she arose as the false church, and her policy has remained the same — divide and conquer. That is Nicolaitanism and God hates it.

    Now it is a well known historical fact that when this error crept into the church, men began to vie for the office of bishop with the result that this position was being given to the more educated and materially-progressive and politically-minded men. Human knowledge and program began to take over Divine wisdom's place and the Holy Spirit no longer controlled. This was indeed a tragic evil, for the bishops began to maintain that it no longer required a transparent Christian character to minister either the Word or the rites in the church for it was the elements and the ceremony that counted. This allowed evil men (seducers) to rend the flock.

    With the man-made doctrine of the elevation of bishops to a place not accorded them in Scripture, the next step was the handing out of graded titles that built up into a religious hierarchy; for soon there were archbishops over bishops and cardinals over the archbishops and by the time of Boniface the third there was a pope over all, a Pontiff (Pontifex Maximus).

    What with the Nicolaitane doctrine and the amalgamation of Christianity with Babylonianism the net results had to be what Ezekiel saw in chapter Ezekiel 8:10, "So I went in and saw; and behold every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel, portrayed upon the wall around." Revelation 18:2, "And he cried mightily, with a strong voice saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and cage of every unclean and hateful bird, for all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornications."

    Now this Nicolaitane doctrine, this rule that was established in the church did not hit it off too well with a lot of the people for they could read the odd epistle or essay on the Word written by some godly person. So what did the church do? It excommunicated the righteous teachers and burned the scrolls. They said, "It takes a special education to read and understand the Word. Why even Peter said that many things Paul wrote were hard to understand." Having taken away the Word from the people, it soon came to the people listening only to what the priest had to say, and doing what he told them. They called that ,God and His holy Word. They took over the minds and lives of the people and made them the servants of a despotic priesthood.

    Now if you want proof that the Catholic Church demands the lives and minds of men, just listen to the edict of Theodosius X. Theodosius' First Edict.

    This edict was issued immediately after he was baptized by the First Church of Rome. "We three emperors will that our subjects steadfastly adhere to the religion which was taught by Saint Peter to the Romans, which has been faithfully preserved by tradition and which is now professed by the pontiff, Damasus of Rome, and Peter, bishop of Alexandria, a man of Apostolic holiness according to the institution of the Apostles, and the doctrine of the Gospel; let us believe in one Godhead of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, of equal majesty in the Holy Trinity. (Trinity is directly from Babylon). It is a hoax! We order that the adherents of this faith be called Catholic Christians; we brand all the senseless followers of the other religions with the infamous name of heretics, and forbid their conventicles assuming the name of churches. Besides the condemnation of divine justice, they must expect the heavy penalty which our authority, guided by heavenly wisdom shall think proper to inflict ."

    The fifteen penal laws that this emperor issued in as many years deprived the evangelicals of all rights to the exercise of their religion, excluded them from all civil offices, and threatened them with fines, confiscation, banishment and even in some cases, death.

    Do you know what? We are headed right that way today.

    The Roman Catholic Church calls herself the Mother church. She calls herself the first or original church. That is absolutely correct. She was the original First Church of Rome that backslid and went into sin. She was the first that organized  religion (Organized Christianity's Prostitution Cover-UP).

    In her was found the deeds and then the doctrine of Nicolaitanism. No one will deny that she is a mother. She is a mother and has produced daughters. Now a daughter comes out of a woman. A woman (robed in scarlet )is sitting on the seven hills of Rome. She is a harlot and has borne daughters. Those daughters are all the  churches that came out of her and then went right back into (THE) Organization and Nicolaitanism. This Mother of the daughter-churches is called a whore. That is a woman who was untrue to her marriage vows. She was married to God and then went off fornicating with the devil and in her fornications she has brought forth daughters (all churches) that are just like her. This mother (Babylon / Rome / SUNWORSHIP) and daughter combination is anti-Word, anti-Spirit and consequently anti-Christ. Yes, ANTICHRIST.

     I want to mention that these early bishops thought that they were above the Word. They told people they could forgive their sins upon confession of those sins. That never was the truth. They began to baptize infants in the second century. They actually practiced regenerational baptism. No wonder people are mixed up today. If they were so mixed up then, so close to Pentecost, now they are in a most desperate condition, being about two thousand years away from original truth.

    Oh, Church of God, there is only one hope. Get back to the Word and stay with it.

  •   Where is "YOUR" head??????


    R . U .   OSTRACIZED?


      Da Vinci Code "Holy Bloodline" Hoax!

    The planned events are clearly layed out in 3 books of which  Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code" is the latest sequel ........
    Just as Scripture teaches: Matthew 24:15-22//Daniel 11:45......
    1) Holy Blood, Holy Grail: Opening the door for the soon to be UNleashed Hoax to a sleeping and dying world.
    2) Messianic Legacy: states openly that the Merovingian bloodline"Cannot" be traced back to Christ!  Although they claim it's authenticity!....(Chapters 3 and 24)
    3) Da Vinci Code :This is how the whole world is being set up to take the fall. It is already TOTALLY deceived; this book denies Christ's deity; stating HE was a failure; not fulfilling His (priest/kingship role) ON EARTH;  stating Christ was neither Divine nor the Son Of God; it also denies The Holy Word Of God; being as they put it a "product of man" ... but openly this latest sequel fully discloses their long planned agenda against man(Novus Ordo Seclorum)//(back of the dollar bill). Will Christ find faith when HE returns?  It "IS" worth your time to "SEE" this  for yourself....Chapter 55
     After the "Great Chastisement" the cataclysmic event of Rev. 8 &16 (~The Lucifer Project~)  http://www.surfingtheapocalypse.net/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?noframes;read=86275  and this accomplishing depopulation from 6 billion to 4 billion (according to scripture), 1/3 of man WILL be destroyed; they desire a decrease down to 500 million! for (Total Enslavement)! www.radioliberty.com/stones.htm           http://home.sprynet.com/~eastwood01/geoguide.htm
     "After"   the "next and final" Pope is set up in Jerusalem (Daniel 11:45). The whole world begging for mercy; (Peace and Safety) will be offered, it will then be "declared" and eagerly "embraced" that the "(declared religion)" (R.C.) "Must" be worshiped  having SET-UP their Da Vinci Code "holy bloodlineFinal antichrist "FALSE  MESSIAH"  Babylon Mystery Religion-Pontifex Maximus/ Luciferean-Satanic Sun-god dictator pope in Jerusalem... He will  then be declared a "Direct Descendant" of Jesus Christ from the House Of David.......The abomination that maketh desolate. THUS DECEIVING THE JEWS!  Islam "ALREADY" worships Mary.
    Those with EARS TO HEAR, LET HIM HEAR.


    The World’s Greatest Prostitution (Cover-up)


                          And the Da Vinci Code "False Messiah" Connection                                               



    “This is the most subtle, engulfing, suffocating, living and breathing organism ever conceived that has interwoven and intertwined throughout man’s history and conscience; purposely “designed” to deceive every man, woman and child on planet Earth.”         Avenue Of Light



    organized christianity cover


    John Daniel, author of the book: "The Grand Design Exposed"  has written a 22-page booklet entitled Organized Christianity’s Prostitution Cover-up”. This booklet lays bare the facts:


    ·How the organized “Christian” Church “cut a deal” with the Roman Emperor Constantine, and thus became the official State religion of the Roman Empire;

    ·How this organized Church (i.e., the Roman Catholic Church) assumed the “mantle” of the Roman Pontifex Maximus when the Roman Empire fell, and began to persecute true Christians – wiping out hundreds and hundreds of thousands of them through the “Holy Inquisition”, crusades, and every genocide ever made against man.

    ·How this organized Church will soon reach the pinnacles or power she once held in Europe when her popes ruled over kings, and will once again launch yet another episode of murdering any and all who dare question her “right” to rule this planet!


    This booklet shows the reader how the early Christians were persecuted by the pagan Roman emperors until Emperor Constantine and Bishop Eusebius obviously “cut a deal’ in order to make “Organized Christianity” (i.e., Roman Catholicism) the State religion. The few true Christians who survived the various anti-Christian persecutions had gone “underground” or had fled to mountains and wilderness areas. This left a paganized “Christian” organization, now called Roman Catholicism, as a “pretender” claiming to be the one, true Church of Jesus Christ.  When the Roman Empire fell, the Roman Catholic Church moved into the power vacuum, and basically assumed all the titles and power of the Roman Emperor, the Pontifex Maximus!

    “But the ‘Christian’ Roman popes did more than just ‘Hi~Jack’ the Roman Emperor’s Imperial titles. They also imbued the Roman Emperor’s ‘spirit’ of power absolute into the very depths of their being and soul. The idea of stamping out all controversy and division, stamping out all thought, by imposing – unquestioned – “ONE” worldwide (UNIVERSAL) dogmatic creed upon all, was carried into practice on an unprecedented scale.

    …So it is not surprising, when the ‘Christian’ Roman popes ruled full sway during the medieval years, to read accounts of inhuman cruelties, atrocities, and abominations during the crusades, and the methodical butchering, breaking, and mutilating of human bodies done in the torture chambers of the [so-called ‘Holy’] Inquisition…

    The Roman Catholic Church ruled the European world for 1260 years with an iron fist. During those years the Holy Word of God, the Bible, was a forbidden book…”


    The Roman Catholic Institution is once again putting into practice her “Great Power” and her Inquisitional ways. Just look around you! How is she going to accomplish deceiving the world? The Cassini Spacecraft and the Lucifer Project  which will bring about their foretold and  promised  "Great Chastisement"  ( REVELATION 8 AND 16); thus blaming God and bringing about the "Counterfeit" (false kingdom) of YESHUA-MESSIAH on Earth in Jerusalem.

     For a  free copy of this booklet; Order the "Great Chastisement" Package and the Book: "The Grand Design Exposed". Both just $37.00 (CASH ONLY) TO:


    P.O. BOX 1465

    MURPHY, N.C. 28906

    1 828 494 9368


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